Yes Republicans, voting to Save Net Neutrality is the RIGHT Thing to Do

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[Commentary] How can Republicans get right with network neutrality?

Step One: Know your history: At its heart, net neutrality is a competition issue. From Roosevelt to Reagan, we are the party of competition and should never cede that ground. Net neutrality principles and free trade principles are based on the exact same market theory. 

Step Two: Stream Ahead: Americans love streaming and reject cable.

Step Three: The kids are all right: Young conservatives in rural America want to start their own businesses — be it restaurants, tech start-ups or construction companies — net neutrality makes it easier and cheaper to do so.

[Chip Pickering is the CEO of INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association]

Yes Republicans, voting to Save Net Neutrality is the RIGHT Thing to Do Net Neutrality is Free Market Policy. Chip Pickering at Federalist Society (YouTube Video)