Daily Digest 4/23/2019 (5G News)

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Sprint and AT&T settle lawsuit over ‘blatantly misleading’ 5G E logo  |  Read below  |  Adi Robertson  |  Vox
Millimeter-wave 5G will never scale beyond dense urban areas, T-Mobile says  |  Read below  |  Jon Brodkin  |  Ars Technica
FCC Reveals Losing Bids, Bidders in TV Incentive Auction  |  Read below  |  John Eggerton  |  Broadcasting&Cable
FCC Plan for Withdrawal as Maritime Mobile Accounting Authority  |  Federal Communications Commission
5G May Be Holy Grail for Telecom, But Energy Sector Feels Much Anxiety Over New Network  |  Read below  |  Dipka Bhambhani  |  Op-Ed  |  Forbes
The Race to 5G: Protecting Taxpayers through Spectrum Auctions  |  Citizens Against Government Waste
Claude Barfield: In the 5G race, competition policy now vies with industrial and security policy  |  American Enterprise Institute


State K-12 Broadband Leadership 2019: Driving Connectivity, Access and Student Success  |  State Educational Technology Directors Association


Elizabeth Warren’s really simple case for breaking up big tech: It is crushing competition  |  Vox


Google Walkout Organizers Say They're Facing Retaliation  |  Wired
Microsoft employees urge company to protect Chinese tech workers from state censorship  |  Hill, The
Tech is “flunking” the diversity test, says activist and venture capitalist Freada Kapor Klein  |  Vox


How Recommendation Algorithms Run the World  |  Wired
Study: Over-the-Top Revenue to Rise 35% in 2019  |  Multichannel News


Nielsen Warns Census Change Would Hurt Media Business  |  Broadcasting&Cable


Analysis: What the media got right — and wrong — about the Mueller report  |  Washington Post
President Trump repeatedly takes aim at the media, including Paul Krugman, a New York Times columnist critical of Republicans  |  Washington Post
President Trump mocks CNN for lowest ratings of year: 'Congratulations!'  |  Hill, The
Margaret Sullivan: Mueller’s report proves why President Trump loves Fox News — and why he needs it now more than ever  |  Washignton Post


Former Obama aide Broderick Johnson lobbying for T-Mobile-Sprint merger  |  Hill, The

Company News

After 40 Years, C-Span’s Founder Signs Off  |  Read below  |  Kyle Peterson  |  Editorial  |  Wall Street Journal
Facebook’s new chief lawyer helped write the Patriot Act  |  Vox
Sri Lanka’s social-media shutdown illustrates global discontent with Silicon Valley  |  Washington Post
Kara Swisher: Sri Lanka Shut Down Social Media. My First Thought Was ‘Good.’  |  New York Times
Casey Newton: Blocking social networks after terrorist attacks can do more harm than good  |  Vox
Myanmar’s Highest Court Upholds Conviction of Reuters Journalists  |  New York Times
EU lawmakers back Wi-Fi-based car standard in win for Volkswagen  |  Reuters
Today's Top Stories


Sprint and AT&T settle lawsuit over ‘blatantly misleading’ 5G E logo

Adi Robertson  |  Vox

AT&T and Sprint have settled a lawsuit over AT&T’s “5G Evolution” branding, which Sprint claimed was fooling customers into believing its 4G LTE network was a full-fledged 5G network. “We have amicably settled this matter,” an AT&T spokesperson said. Apparently, AT&T will keep using “5G E” in its marketing material. Earlier in 2019, AT&T started displaying a “5G E” logo on certain upgraded parts of its LTE network. The phones weren’t actually connecting to 5G networks, and the move was roundly derided: T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint all criticized AT&T’s new logo, with Sprint’s CTO claiming it was “blatantly misleading consumers.” A month later, Sprint sued AT&T for false advertising, citing a survey where more than half of participants (incorrectly) said AT&T’s 5G E network had comparable speeds to real 5G. 

Millimeter-wave 5G will never scale beyond dense urban areas, T-Mobile says

Jon Brodkin  |  Ars Technica

While all four major nationwide carriers in the US have overhyped 5G to varying degrees, T-Mobile made a notable admission about 5G's key limitation. T-Mobile Chief Technology Officer Neville Ray wrote that millimeter-wave spectrum used for 5G "will never materially scale beyond small pockets of 5G hotspots in dense urban environments." That would seem to rule out the possibility of 5G's fastest speeds reaching rural areas or perhaps even suburbs. Ray wrote his blog post primarily to complain about AT&T and Verizon claiming to be the first carriers to offer 5G, so his statement about high-frequency limitations was made partly to explain why T-Mobile hasn't yet launched 5G. T-Mobile intends to use millimeter-wave spectrum to provide "massive capacity over a very small footprint," Ray wrote. "It holds big promise for speed and capacity in dense urban areas and venues where large numbers of people gather." But low- and mid-band spectrum will still be needed to cover wider areas with 5G, he wrote.

FCC Reveals Losing Bids, Bidders in TV Incentive Auction

John Eggerton  |  Broadcasting&Cable

All those TV station employees wondering whether they dodged a bullet in the 2017 broadcast incentive auction can now search for that information. The Federal Communications Commission has made that information public, plus more data on the reverse auction, after placing a two-year hold on publicizing which broadcasters got outbid. The information shows that there were 858 stations willing to give up spectrum, or a little under half of the 1,800 stations the FCC was interested in getting bids from. Those 858 bids totaled a whopping $187,391,861,235.  The FCC had already revealed that a total of 175 TV stations got payouts for giving up spectrum in the broadcast incentive auction, and 50 wireless bidders—including Comcast/NBCU and Dish—got that spectrum, with the largest single TV station payout $304 million. The largest payout for a noncommercial station was $194 million. 

5G May Be Holy Grail for Telecom, But Energy Sector Feels Much Anxiety Over New Network

Dipka Bhambhani  |  Op-Ed  |  Forbes

While telecommunication giants are boasting faster, unlimited wireless connectivity for their mobile phone users under the long-awaited fifth generation wireless network (5G), the energy industry is worried. Energy groups are warning regulators that a 5G rollout without securing adequate bandwidth for the sector could cause major harm to the nation’s electric grid and critical infrastructure. Joy Ditto, president and CEO of Utilities Technology Council, is on the front lines in Washington urging the Federal Communications Commission, Congress, Energy Department officials, and members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to work with the FCC to ensure space on the 5G network for utility operations. “We want them to pay attention to what the FCC is doing and how it impacts energy provisions. We want them weighing in on resilience and spectrum issues. We would welcome direct oversight of what FCC is doing, and I’d love to see a hearing about how communications policy affects energy,” Ditto said. “I don’t think the FCC is doing well for the economy or the energy sector,” Ditto said. “They have the mandate [to advance 5G] and they are fulfilling their mandate. They aren’t really listening to us [in the energy sector].”

[Dipka Bhambhani runs communications for the U.S. Energy Association, a bipartisan group that represents the U.S. energy sector and advances the realities of global energy issues in the 21st century.]

Company News

After 40 Years, C-Span’s Founder Signs Off

Kyle Peterson  |  Editorial  |  Wall Street Journal

Brian Lamb, the man who put Congress on live television, reflects on the results and explains why the Supreme Court ought to be next.

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Benton (www.benton.org) provides the only free, reliable, and non-partisan daily digest that curates and distributes news related to universal broadband, while connecting communications, democracy, and public interest issues. Posted Monday through Friday, this service provides updates on important industry developments, policy issues, and other related news events. While the summaries are factually accurate, their sometimes informal tone may not always represent the tone of the original articles. Headlines are compiled by Kevin Taglang (headlines AT benton DOT org) and Robbie McBeath (rmcbeath AT benton DOT org) — we welcome your comments.

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Kevin Taglang

Kevin Taglang
Executive Editor, Communications-related Headlines
Benton Foundation
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headlines AT benton DOT org

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