How to Build a Public Broadband Network: Building and Operating the Network

Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Webinar Series: How to Build a Public Broadband Network

Webinar Three: Implementation—Building and Operating the Network

The American Association for Public Broadband (AAPB), in partnership with the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, is celebrating the publication of its new community broadband handbook "Own Your Internet: How to Build a Public Broadband Network” with a webinar series that spotlights the experiences of a number of communities building community networks. 

The last webinar will focus on the challenges of and strategies for building the physical infrastructure and launching services. Panelists will discuss how they manage complex operations while also adapting to changing conditions, all in view of a community invested in their broadband.

Moderated by Bill Coleman, author of the AAPB handbook and longtime leader in community broadband. Bill will be joined by

  • Suzanne Heritage, Underline
  • Sachin Gupta, Cetranet Fiber
  • Eric Lage, Waterloo Fiber
  • Jon Willow, Community Broadband Action Network

June 11th, 12 pm - 1pm ET

Please be sure to RSVP.