Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Delivers Remarks at New York University School of Law

With your permission, I will discuss three topics today. First, why antitrust enforcement is such an important part of a free market system. Second, the progress we’ve made in sharing the value of effective antitrust enforcement around the world. And third, a few thoughts on what I hope we can achieve in the future. On all these points, I hope to emphasize the fundamental role of the rule of law and procedural fairness in the application of the antitrust laws. .... At its core, antitrust law has an inherent equilibrium — wary of infringing on economic liberty, but willing to intervene to correct market failures,” he told an audience at New York University Law School. “Unfortunately competition agencies in some countries may have, from time to time, treated antitrust as somehow exempt from the fundamental requirement of non­ discrimination, using it to favor domestic companies or discriminate against foreign firms.

Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Delivers Remarks at New York University School of Law