House Subcommittee Examines Current and Future Use of Data Prioritization
The House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing examining data prioritization and how it is critical to the internet’s function and growth. Members of the Subcommittee heard from a range of expert witnesses who testified on the how and why data is currently prioritized on the network, and potential needs for future prioritization.
Paul Schroeder, Director, Public Policy and Strategic Alliances, Aira Tech Corporation, discussed why the incredible technology powering his Aira device needs the prioritization of data. Richard Bennett testified, "The traditional regulatory model that separated content from communications no longer fits; large content interests own worldwide networking facilities, only connecting to Internet Service Providers to perform the relatively simple task of delivering streams of Internet packets over the last mile.” Peter Rysavy, President, Rysavy Research LLC, spoke to the importance of data prioritization in the application of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Free Press Action Fund Policy Director Matt Wood testified in support of restoring the Federal Communications Commission’s Title II authority to prevent online blocking, throttling and discrimination by internet access providers.
Democrats on the subcommittee argue that opening the door to paid prioritization will give companies like Verizon and Comcast the ability and incentive to give unfair advantages to certain sites while hurting internet startups. But the GOP says that a prohibition on paid prioritization inhibits the flow of data.
House Subcommittee Examines Current and Future Use of Data Prioritization Matt Wood's House Testimony in Support of Title II Rules to Prevent Paid Prioritization and Restore Net Neutrality Protections House Dems, GOP clash over internet 'fast lanes' (The Hill) Free Press: Paid Prioritization Equals Artificial Scarcity (B&C) Bennett to Hill: Paid Prioritization Does Not Necessarily Mean Degradation (Multichannel News)