Senate fails to advance FCC inspector general

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The Senate on Dec 19 failed to move forward on two inspectors general because 12 Senate Republicans were absent, potentially costing President Donald Trump some lame duck appointees. In back-to-back 39-48 votes, the Senate was unable to take procedural steps to confirm John Chase Johnson to become inspector general of the Federal Communications Commission and Eric Soskin to become inspector general of the Department of Transportation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voted against the nominees, a move that allows him to bring them back to the floor whenever he wants.

The Senate’s inability to move forward on the Johnson nomination, even if temporary, was a win for Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), the top Democrat on the Commerce Committee, who urged senators to vote against him. “If we have an IG who does not understand communication policy, has no experience in communication policy, never had a role in that, I say we won’t accomplish the mission of oversight or the mission ultimately at the FCC,” Sen Cantwell said. “We need an IG we can believe in. So I ask my colleagues to turn down this nomination.”

Senate fails to advance 2 Trump nominees due to absences