An Analysis of Federal Broadband Funding Programs

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Federal funding for broadband expansion is spread out over a number of different initiatives, which may make it difficult to decide on a funding strategy. Here are CTC Technology and Energy's points to consider when weighing your options for federal broadband funding:

  • The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund is likely the most unrestricted opportunity you will have when it comes to broadband infrastructure investments.
  • So far, State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund is the only opportunity to potentially offset bad Rural Digital Opportunity Fund outcomes for most projects. 
  • The Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund may be a good alternative, but it depends on how your state government decides to administer the funds.
  • Upcoming infrastructure and stimulus funding bills targeting broadband expansion may have restrictions so onerous that they practically exclude most desired initiatives.
  • The Broadband Infrastructure Program released interim final rules, and it may have restrictions that severely limit what projects are deemed eligible. The recommended, but not required, 10 percent match is a welcome low bar and does not require cash commitments from strained local government budgets
  • United States Department of Agriculture’s ReConnect program will have more strings attached in enabling legislation than other grant programs.
  • The Economic Development Administration has more flexibility and generous funding, but it requires documentation on economic impact and has strongly preferred projects that extend to businesses rather than residential buildings.

Weighing Your Options: An Analysis of Recent Federal Broadband Funding