Emerging Mid-Band Radar Spectrum Sharing Feasibity Assessment Report

Coverage Type 

This report fulfills an Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requirement that the Department of Defense conduct research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems, or other planning activities to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the spectrum use of the Department of Defense in order to make available electromagnetic spectrum in the 3100-3450 MHz band for reallocation for shared Federal and non-Federal commercial licensed use and for auction. This report summarizes the findings of those assessments and concludes that shared Federal and non-Federal use of the 3100-3450 MHz band is feasible if certain conditions are fully proven through rigorous, in-depth, real-world full scope operational testing with Joint Force assets and implemented in advance of any action. The conditions are:

  • The Department of Defense retains regulatory primacy
  • National emergency preemption policy is maintained
  • Expand/improve existing CBRS sharing framework policy and technology
  • US Government is not liable for damages to commercial systems
  • Address information, operational, and cybersecurity concerns
  • The US defense industrial base (DIB) retains band access for testing and experimentation
  • Current and future Federal systems are accommodated equally
  • Establish interference safeguards
  • Resource requirements addressed


Emerging Mid-Band Radar Spectrum Sharing Feasibity Assessment Report