The Policy Implications of New Broadband Competition

Technology Policy Institute

Monday, August 19, 2024 - 10:45am
Time Zone: 
Live Event

Broadband policy tends to rely on the notion that true broadband can only be provided by wires. This general assumption affects how policymakers and others think about competition and how policy addresses it, as well as how we think about access and universal service. Availability and adoption of new technologies for home broadband, particularly fixed wireless access and service from low earth orbit satellites, challenge the long-held assumptions about possible market structure. On the other hand, it is still true that coaxial cable and fiber have more capacity than the newer wireless alternatives. This panel will discuss how we should incorporate new technology into broadband policy.


  • Johannes Bauer, Quello Chair in Media and Information Policy, College of Communication Arts & Sciences, Michigan State University
  • Michelle Connolly, Professor of Economics, Duke University
  • Jay Schwarz, Vice President, Global Public Policy, Comcast NBCUniversal
  • Will Adams, Vice President, Strategic Policy and Planning, T-Mobile US
  • Scott Wallsten (moderator), Senior Fellow & President, Technology Policy Institute

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