Is the DMA a Boost or Brake for European Competitiveness?

Is the DMA a Boost or Brake for European Competitiveness?

Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Time Zone 
Virtual Event

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is at a critical phase. Just months into its enforcement, the European Commission has already initiated proceedings against Alphabet, Apple, and Meta. But is the DMA achieving its intended goals, and are the ongoing investigations leading to meaningful outcomes? While the DMA is designed to level the digital playing field and enhance competition, the adoption of national implementation laws by member states risks undermining these objectives, potentially leading to regulatory fragmentation.

This discussion will explore the impact of the DMA’s enforcement and the varied national actions on businesses, innovation, and consumer choice across Europe. The panel will also address broader competition policy issues, including insights from Mario Draghi’s forthcoming report on European competitiveness.

As the DMA continues to fuel international debates and inspire global regulatory movements—often referred to as the “Brussels Effect”—our expert speakers will examine the real-world consequences of the DMA, as well as the urgent need for a unified, pro-competition strategy across the European Union.

Join ITIF’s Schumpeter Project on Competition Policy for a lively and insightful discussion featuring leading experts from Europe.

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