Gigi Sohn named Benton Senior Fellow and Public Advocate. Gigi served from 2013-2016 as Counselor to the former Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, and from 2001-2013, as the Co-Founder and CEO of Public Knowledge, a policy advocacy organization serving the interests of consumers in Washington D.C. She received the Everett C. Parker Award in October 2018.
Authors Victor Pickard and Pawel Popiel examine the tactics and policy priorities of former-Commissioner Michael J. Copps during his 10 years at the Federal Communications Commission in The Media Democracy Agenda: The Strategy and Legacy of FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps (Legacy Fund).
Benton releases John Horrigan's Digital Skills and Job Training: Community-driven initiatives are leading the way in preparing Americans for today’s jobs. Roughly half of all job openings in the United States fall into the middle-skill category and most (82%) of them require digital skills. Wages are better as a result.
Rachel Moran and Matthew Bui, Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism, University of Southern California, receive the second Charles Benton Early Career Scholar Awards at TPRC’s 2018 conference for Race, Ethnicity, and Telecommunications Policy Issues of Access and Representation: Centering Communities of Color and Their Concerns (Legacy Fund).
NDIA gives the third annual Charles Benton Digital Equity Champion award to Deb Socia, founding Executive Director of Next Century Cities and former Executive Director of Boston’s Tech Goes Home.