Aspen Institute
Aspen Principles for Latino Digital Success
The Aspen Institute's Principles for Latino Digital Success were conceived as a series of guidelines to inform the design and implementation of effective digital equity efforts targeting the Latino community in the United States. Our generation is responsible for maximizing the impact of these Federal investments. We have a unique chance to build the foundations of a better society with equal opportunities for everyone to succeed and thrive and for the US economy to remain at the forefront of global innovation.

Aspen Institute Introduces its 2023 Digital Equity Accelerator Cohort
The Aspen Institute and HP Inc. announced the selection of ten not-for-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations in Malaysia, Mexico, and South Africa for the 2023 Digital Equity Accelerator. Each organization is working toward the digital inclusion of marginalized populations and, with the support of the Accelerator, is poised to expand its reach and impact over the next six months. Selected organizations include:

Toward a National Spectrum Strategy
The report recognizes spectrum as a national, public asset. Planning for effective spectrum policy – the way we allocate and use the airwaves for wireless applications – is foundational to meeting our national goals of economic growth and leadership in the information economy, and a “Made in America” industrial agenda. The report from the Aspen Institute stakes out key principles to inform spectrum policies, sets forth broad recommendations for US spectrum policy for the years ahead, and details potential actions to implement those recommendations.

HP and Aspen Institute Announce Accelerator to Drive Global Digital Equity Solutions
HP and the Aspen Institute announced a new global initiative to accelerate digital equity. The Digital Equity Accelerator will support participating nonprofits in scaling their innovative approaches to help meet the needs of underserved communities affected by the digital divide.
Coalition of Tech Companies and Academic Experts Launch Report to Transform Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Tech Industry (Aspen Institute)
Submitted by Grace Tepper on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 11:47Latino Inclusion in the Digital Economy (Aspen Institute)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Mon, 05/17/2021 - 17:28How to Cover Election Day and Beyond (Aspen Institute)
Submitted by benton on Thu, 10/29/2020 - 11:09In the Future, Voting Could Be as Simple as Texting (Aspen Institute)
Submitted by benton on Thu, 10/29/2020 - 11:09
The Internet After COVID-19: Will We Mind the Gaps?
When it comes to the Internet, the COVID-19 crisis is teaching us that we’re so much better off than we could have been, but not as good as we need to be. COVID-19 is a stress test for many systems in the United States, most critically in our health, government, education, media, retail and financial services sectors. All of them are now depending more than ever on the Internet to serve their users. The current health crisis will likely peak some time this year, but our intensified reliance on digital technology will not.