Associated Press

Tweeter-in-chief ready to confront China’s ‘great firewall’

President Donald Trump’s arrival in Beijing on Wednesday will serve as a test of reach for his preferred communications tool, Twitter. The White House is declining to comment on the president’s ability to tweet in China or the precautions being taken to protect his communications in the heavily monitored state. It’s about more than cybersecurity. Knowing the president’s penchant for showmanship, some aides are trying to build up social media suspense before Air Force One is wheels-down in Beijing. Spoiler alert: The American president will get his way.

Stuck On Slow, Pennsylvania Renews Push For Rural Broadband

In Pennsylvania, there is a renewed push by state officials to capture $140 million in federal subsidies for rural broadband, a windfall that could go to another state after Verizon declined it two years ago. The Federal Communications Commission plans to distribute the rejected funds through an upcoming nationwide auction, a move that state officials are trying to head off through public advocacy and a pending FCC petition.

Maryland AG: Sinclair, Tribune TV merger is a ‘bad deal’

Maryland’s attorney general opposes the proposed merger between Sinclair Broadcasting Group and rival TV station operator Tribune Media.  Attorney General Brian E. Frosh filed comments Nov 3 with the Federal Communications Commission, arguing that the merger would lead to fewer options for consumers and higher prices. Frosh also asked the FCC to delay their decision on the merger until a court decides how to calculate national audience reach.

Donald Trump a victim of hackers years before election

Four years ago, well before the furor over allegations Moscow meddled in the 2016 election that put Donald Trump in the White House, at least 195 web addresses belonging to Trump, his family or his business empire were hijacked by hackers possibly operating out of Russia.  The Trump Organization denied the domain names were ever compromised. But a review of internet records by the AP and cybersecurity experts shows otherwise. And it was not until the week of Oct 30, after the Trump camp was asked about it by the AP, that the last of the tampered-with addresses were repaired.

35 states and DC back bid to collect online sales taxes

Thirty-five state attorneys general and the District of Columbia this week signed on to support South Dakota's legal bid to collect sales taxes from out-of-state Internet retailers. South Dakota is asking the US Supreme Court to review whether retailers can be required to collect sales taxes in states where they lack a physical presence. The case could have national implications for e-commerce. South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said that Colorado filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting South Dakota's petition to the high court.