Benton Institute

Capital Projects Fund Helps Link Indiana to the World
Indiana Governor, Eric Holcomb (R-IN) and Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch (R-IN) are leading the largest broadband investment in the state's history. Ball State University researchers found that thousands of homes across the state--urban and rural, low-income, and non-English speaking--experience the brunt of lacking access to broadband internet access. To combat this, Lt. Gov Suzanne Crouch created the Office of Broadband Opportunities in 2018 to identify needs and eliminate roadblocks to broadband deployment and digital literacy in the state.
Reactions to Commissioner Rosenworcel Named Acting Chair of FCC
President Joe Biden has named Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as acting chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Connectivity in the Time of COVID
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity of broadband became incontrovertible. Attending school, working from home, visiting a doctor, and accessing government services all relied on reliable broadband connections. For many, bridging the digital divide emerged as an even-more-urgent priority. We’ve tracked the stories that best explain the complexities of the digital divide and the crucial policy responses. Here’s our list.

Reactions to Broadband Provisions Included in the COVID-19 Relief Bill
What Is in the $900 Billion Covid-19 Aid Bill Here's how DC responded.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY): "The agreement invests $7 billion to increase access to broadband, including a new Emergency Broadband Benefit to help millions of students, families and unemployed workers afford the broadband they need during the pandemic."
Reactions to Senate Confirming Nathan Simington to FCC
On Dec 8, the Senate confirmed Nathan Simington as a new Republican member of the Federal Communications Commission in a 49-46 vote.
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Roger Wicker (R-MS): “Nathan Simington’s confirmation will help ensure a balanced FCC and continued light-touch regulatory approach that has kept the internet free and open for all Americans."
Reactions to Chairman Pai Announcing His Intention to Depart FCC
Andrew Jay Schwartzman, senior counselor at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society: “The Pai agenda, in essence, has been to limit regulatory intrusions into the activities of companies subject to the regulatory authority of the FCC, particularly if they are large incumbent [telecom] companies.” He said the consequences of Pai’s reign have been vast for average American Internet users, leaving “fewer people who have access to broadband, fewer people who have access to diverse points of view over the air, and more people paying more for cable, wireless and wired In