
Anna Gomez Nomination on Track To Create Democratic FCC Majority

It has been more than one month since the Senate Commerce Committee favorably reported the nomination of Anna Gomez to fill the fifth, and vacant, seat on the Federal Communications Commission.

President Biden Yet to Withdraw Gigi Sohn’s FCC Nomination

The Biden administration appears to be in no hurry to withdraw the nomination of Gigi Sohn, its first choice for the third Democratic seat on the five-member Federal Communications Commission, or perhaps it was caught somewhat off guard by the need to find a new candidate. It has been more than two weeks since the embattled withdrew her name for consideration.

Gigi Sohn's Critics Prepare for New Pushback Against FCC Nominee

The opponents of [Senior Fellow and Public Advocate at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society] Gigi Sohn's nomination to the Federal Communications Commission are bringing out their familiar artillery in their effort to keep her off the agency, where she would be the third Democrat, giving the Biden administration the majority it would need to tackle partisan issues, notably network neutrality rules. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) launched an attack on her character and her politics, while Fox News Channel also ran a story taking aim.

NCTA to FCC: Don't Expand USF Contribution Base to ISPs

Cable broadband operators are telling the Federal Communications Commission that it should not start making them pay into the Universal Service Fund, especially given the tens of billions of dollars in broadband subsidies the Biden Administration has offered up in COVID-19 and infrastructure laws.