Connect Humanity

Funding to Bridge the Digital Divide: U.S. Philanthropic Giving to Digital Equity Causes

Analysis demonstrates that philanthropic organizations in the US have given little--less than 1% of overall giving by large foundations--to digital equity funding. Funding barriers may be overcome with greater participation of US institutional philanthropic giving to digital equity. Other key takeaways include:

A strengthened Community Reinvestment Act must advance digital equity

A group of organizations and individuals committed to digital equity wrote a letter to US Bank Regulatory Agencies urging them to modernize the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

Connect Humanity Announces Build Better Broadband Initiative

Connect Humanity, in partnership with Entrypoint Networks and Biarri Networks, announced the 'Build Better Broadband' program to provide Broadband Master Plan grants for communities seeking to solve their broadband gaps. The Build Better Broadband program will be providing grants for Broadband Master Plan, feasibility network designs, and proforma financial modeling for up to 5 communities. These deliverables are essential to establishing a plan to bridge the digital divide for your community.