Fast Company
How Brazil’s Trump is using WhatsApp to win election (Fast Company)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Fri, 10/26/2018 - 11:27Should we break up the tech giants? Not if you ask the economists who take money from them
Amid growing concern over the power of such behemoths as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and other tech giants, in recent months there’s been a bipartisan push for better enforcement of antitrust rules–with even President Trump saying in August that their size and influence could constitute a “very antitrust situation.” The Federal Trade Commission has launched its most wide-ranging study of corporate concentration in America in more than 20 years with a series of hearings being held around the country.
Sen Cruz (R-TX) made it clear he supports repealing tech platforms' safe harbor
During an Oct 17 debate in his campaign for re-election, Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX), when asked about whether Congress should regulate online social media, referenced Section 230 of the1996 Communications Decency Act. He began first by explaining that he took Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to task for Facebook privileging content from certain political viewpoints. He then went on to say that if tech companies are not acting impartial to content, then they shouldn’t be held to the rules that say they are.