Fast Company
Remote work can’t change everything until we fix this $80 billion problem
Providing reliable, high-speed internet to remote parts of the U.S. has been a challenge for years. And the COVID-19 pandemic has created a renewed sense of urgency to solve it. Finally solving America’s digital divide will depend on either a technological innovation or governmental intervention.
How COVID-19 has changed voting, from drive-in rallies to mail-in ballot tracking (Fast Company)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 10/28/2020 - 14:36Why Google is poised to win the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit (Fast Company)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 10/21/2020 - 09:41NASA is building 4G internet on the moon, so future astronauts can call each other (Fast Company)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Mon, 10/19/2020 - 12:39Op-ed: The secret to building a smart city that’s anti-racist (Fast Company)
Submitted by benton on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 12:16Op-Ed: Big tech needs new, powerful government watchdogs to enforce real transparency (Fast Company)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Wed, 09/23/2020 - 13:28Too many farmers can't get broadband. That's a crisis for us all
To take advantage of technology, farmers require broadband connectivity in the fields where they operate. However, rural farm communities continue to be underserved with access to broadband infrastructure. In order to feed the world now and in the future, we must act, and act urgently, to expand rural broadband infrastructure—including delivering wireless connectivity to farming operations – to take full advantage of future precision agriculture technologies.
Remote education is forcing the US to confront the digital divide
How did the birthplace of the internet become a nation where broadband is unavailable to large chunks of the population, keeping students from taking part fully in modern education and their parents from taking advantage of the modern economy? Big investments have been made in the internet in the U.S., but not uniformly or with an eye to expanding connectivity as far as possible. It’s not a task that private industry cares to take on, nor is it one that the public sector can solve on its own—not in a country with such a strident free-market ethos.