Federal Communications Commission

FCC November 2022 Open Meeting Agenda

The Federal Communications Commission has been working to fulfill three important Congressional mandates. One would enhance national security by ensuring that untrustworthy communications equipment is not authorized for use within our border. Another would empower consumers to make more informed decisions about broadband service by requiring broadband providers to display “nutrition” labels that disclose information about pricing and network performance.

FCC to Further Strengthen Storm-Hardened Puerto Rico & USVI Networks

The Federal Communications Commission proposed a plan to extend certain Universal Service Fund support to eligible mobile and fixed carriers in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands to ensure consumers have access to advanced telecommunications services in the face of hurricanes and other natural disasters.

FCC to Examine 12.7 GHz Band for Next-Gen Wireless

The Federal Communications Commission voted to launch a proceeding to explore repurposing up to 550 megahertz in the 12.7 to 13.25 GHz band (12.7 GHz band) for next-generation wireless services.

FCC Proposes to Strengthen Security of Emergency Alert Systems

The Federal Communications Commission proposed rules to bolster the operational readiness and security of the nation’s public alert and warning systems, the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts. These systems warn the public about emergencies through alerts on their televisions, radios, and wireless phones. In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking adopted, the FCC proposes to:

Commissioner Geoffrey Starks Remarks at Open Technology Institute NGSO Satellite Event

As a Commissioner focused so deeply on the digital divide, I’m especially thrilled about what a golden era in commercial space could mean for broadband. New satellite broadband systems promise more choice and better performance for many Americans, including those who live, work, and travel in some the toughest-to-serve places. Making space innovation sustainable is a multidimensional problem. They can even improve the reach of terrestrial broadband networks, through satellite backhaul and, perhaps one day soon, base stations flying in low-Earth orbit.

FCC Grants 900 MHz Broadband Segment Applications

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau granted six 900 MHz broadband segment licenses to PDV Spectrum Holding Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Anterix. Anterix is the largest holder of 900 MHz spectrum nationwide and has been courting utilities, which are interested in the spectrum for private LTE as they look to modernize and future-proof critical power grid infrastructure. The licenses are in Vernon County, St Clair, Barton, Jackson, and Jackson counties (MO) and Jackson County (KS).

Trade Groups Discuss Affordable Connectivity Program Data Collection With FCC

On October 17, trade groups NTCA, USTelecom, CTIA, and ACA Connects met Federal Communications Commission officials to discuss the Affordable Connectivity Program transparency proceeding. The associations offered proposals to maximize the effectiveness of the proposed data collection while keeping it streamlined and efficient for the benefit of consumers and providers alike.

FCC's Rosenworcel Provides Rep McMorris Rodgers a Response on Agenda

I welcome the opportunity to respond and can assure you that the Federal Communications Commission takes seriously the responsibilities entrusted to it by Congress under the law, including the efforts identified in your letter “to expand connectivity to all Americans, regulate broadcast stations and multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs) in the media marketplace, limit the transmission of illegal robocalls, preserve the capability for reliable 911 and emergency alerting services, and remove untrusted communications equipment and services from U.S.

FCC Announces Pilot to Help Tribal Libraries Sign Up for E-Rate

The Federal Communications Commission launched a new pilot program to make it easier for Tribal libraries to apply for broadband funding through the E-Rate program, which supports eligible schools and libraries. The FCC’s pilot will initially target 20 Tribal libraries that are new to the program or have had challenges applying in the past. The program will provide one-on-one assistance in all aspects of planning and applying for ERate support, and help participants once they successfully apply to ensure they are supported during the invoicing and other post-commitment processes.