Federal Trade Commission

Cars & Consumer Data: On Unlawful Collection & Use

Some say the car a person drives can say a lot about them. As cars get “connected,” this turns out to be truer than many people might have realized. While connectivity can let drivers do things like play their favorite internet radio stations or unlock their car with an app, connected cars can also collect a lot of data about people.

FCC, FTC Formalize Enforcement Partnership for Protecting the Open Internet

This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into by the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission for the purpose of facilitating their joint and common goals, obligations, and responsibilities to protect consumers and the public interest. The Agencies recognize and acknowledge that each agency has legal, technical, and investigative expertise and experience that is valuable for rendering advice and guidance to the other relating to the acts or practices of Internet service providers. It is agreed that: 

FTC Sends Refunds to Former AT&T Wireless Customers Who Were Subject to Data Throttling

The Federal Trade Commission is sending partial refunds to consumers totaling nearly $6.3 million stemming from the FTC’s lawsuit against AT&T Mobility LLC for misleading customers about its unlimited data plans.