
Net Neutrality is Essential to Competition, Streaming Revolution and Small Business Recovery

The Federal Communications Commission's Net Neutrality remand proceeding, INCOMPAS highlights several important points:

Emergency Broadband Funds Critical for Small Business Recovery Efforts and 5G Goals

In a letter sent to the Senate Commerce Committee, INCOMPAS highlights the risks to networks that support small businesses, schools and hospitals during COVID-19’s economic disruptions. The group is calling for an emergency fund to help small business customers who are unable to pay their bills, yet still need access to essential services during the pandemic and the recovery. “Small businesses are the engine of America’s economy. But Main Street simply will not run without broadband and voice communication services,” said Chip Pickering, CEO of INCOMPAS.

INCOMPAS Files ‘Communications Marketplace Report’ Comments with FCC

INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, is urging the Federal Communications Commission to adopt a stronger approach to encouraging competition across all markets.

INCOMPAS to FCC: Court’s Remand of Net Neutrality Provisions Critical to Competition, Public Safety and Streaming Revolution

INCOMPAS — the internet and competitive networks association — led the court challenge opposing the Federal Communications Commission decision to end network neutrality provisions that help first responders, main street businesses and the streaming revolution. The INCOMPAS comments argue net neutrality impacts:

Former FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn to Lead New INCOMPAS Initiative

INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering announced that former FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn would be leading a new campaign on behalf of the trade association to focus on boosting technology innovation and inclusion in America’s heartland. 

INCOMPAS: Net Neutrality Court Delay Will Slow Down Streaming Revolution

The Internet and Competitive Networks Association (INCOMPAS) opposes the Federal Communications Commission’s motion seeking a delay in the Open Internet court case. INCOMPAS, a leading petitioner in the legal case to save network neutrality, filed an opposition to the motion so that oral arguments will continue on Feb 1 as planned. INCOMPAS represents leading streaming companies, edge providers, and competitive broadband network builders. INCOMPAS points to legal precedent during previous government shutdowns, and highlighted the risks to consumers and the streaming revolution. 

INCOMPAS to FCC: Broadband Maps Inadequate, Need for Competition

INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, filed comments at the Federal Communications Commission in response to the Public Notice requesting information for the assessment of competition in the fixed broadband market. INCOMPAS’ comments explain that in order to formulate policies encouraging broadband competition, it is necessary to have an accurate accounting of where there is and isn’t sufficient competition across America. As such, INCOMPAS is calling upon the FCC to reform its collection of broadband data via its Form 477 proceeding.