Facebook names 20 people to its 'Supreme Court' for content moderation (NBC)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 05/06/2020 - 19:56In rural Oklahoma, a Wi-Fi hot spot brings a dash of hope and excitement
The parking lot of Free Pentecostal Holiness Church in the historic town of Tatums (OK) is a little busier these days. The grassy areas on either side of the small, white building now serve as the town's main Wi-Fi hot spot. People in cars parked outside the church's doors can access broadband internet, which isn't common or cheap in the town of about 160.
Sen Warren, Rep Ocasio-Cortez propose halt to big mergers during coronavirus pandemic (NBC)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 04/29/2020 - 09:47With limited internet, one mom finds a way to home-school outside the home
Home-schooling looks a little different for some families across the country, especially those who can't afford unlimited internet access. Tawana Brown of South Bend, Indiana begins each day by driving her family to a parking lot where school buses that are equipped with Wi-Fi are parked. She has been keeping up with this daily schedule after coronavirus concerns led to the closure of schools in the South Bend school district.
Privacy is a right, but it may not be free. How does $3 a month sound? (NBC)
Submitted by benton on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 14:13Americans are losing service despite FCC pledge not to disconnect
Some people who just lost their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic are finding that they have lost something else — phone and internet access.