
In reversal, AT&T says most FirstNet customers impacted in data breach

AT&T said most phone numbers connected to a Commerce Department-linked public safety network service relied on by U.S. first responders were compromised in a data breach. The new statement reverses course on how the breach affected FirstNet, a program managed by AT&T that’s relied on by federal, state, local and tribal governments for emergency public safety services like fire and police departments. “Our initial assessment of the percentage of FirstNet numbers in the compromised data was incorrect,” said an AT&T spokesperson.

NTIA wants ‘the whole lifecycle of accountability’ to assess AI systems, agency head says

The head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration said his agency is looking at how to create an auditing process to hold artificial intelligence systems accountable, as part of an effort to promote safe and ethical uses of the emerging technologies. NTIA Administrator Alan Davidson said “I think one of the things that we've seen is, like financial audits for the financial accounting system, there is going to be a role to play for audits in the AI ecosystem.” NTIA released a request for comment in April 2023 soliciting public feedback on how to mitigate the harms of

Digital inaccessibility: Blind and low-vision people have powerful technology but still face barriers to the digital world

There are 8 million people with blindness or low vision in the US. More than 4.23 million of them are working age, but only about half of that working-age population are employed. Employment rates for people with blindness or low vision have historically been much lower than for the general population. An overwhelming majority of jobs across all industries require digital skills.