Public Knowledge

Public Interest Groups Urge Congress To Renew FCC Auction Authority, Fund ACP

On March 21, Public Knowledge joined 24 other public interest and consumer advocacy groups in a letter to congressional leaders about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The groups urged Congress to renew the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) spectrum auction authority and use some of the projected revenue to help fund the ACP. "Congress has a unique opportunity to advance our national spectrum goals while simultaneously generating sufficient revenue to support the connectivity needs of millions of Americans," said the letter.

Public Knowledge Urges FCC To Reinstate Broadband Authority, Bring Back Net Neutrality Protections

In comments filed at the Federal Communications Commission, Public Knowledge commended the FCC for acting to restore net neutrality as well as creating the proper authority allowing for commonsense consumer protections for broadband users.

Public Knowledge Files Comments Urging NTIA To Adopt a National Spectrum Strategy Based on Public Interest Values

Public Knowledge and New America’s Open Technology Institute, on behalf of the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition, filed comments with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in response to the agency’s Request for Comment on developing a national spectrum strategy. The filing urges the NTIA to adopt a national spectrum strategy that will not only secure our nation’s future as a wireless leader but also serve the public b

Public Knowledge Bolsters Advocacy and Communications Teams To Expand Outreach

Public Knowledge announced two additions and one change to its team. Public Knowledge welcomed Cedric Watkins, Government Affairs Policy Advocate, and Will McBride, Digital Content Manager.

It is Past Time To End Digital Discrimination—No More Excuses

Congress directed the Federal Communications Commission to pass rules designed to end digital discrimination. The directive could not be more clear: Enact regulations to “eliminate” existing digital discrimination on the basis of “income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or national origin” and to prevent it from recurring in the future.