Public Knowledge
Analysis: Facebook Shows Why We Need Data Security and Breach Notification Requirements (Public Knowledge)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 11:29Public Knowledge Looks Forward to FTC Data Practices Study (Public Knowledge)
Submitted by benton on Thu, 03/21/2019 - 11:54We Don’t Have to Sacrifice User Safety and Convenience to Make App Stores Competitive
The gatekeeper and competition issues caused by app stores aren’t going away. At the same time, solutions to them should seek to maintain the convenience, security, and privacy benefits of software that is at least somewhat screened, since we’ve learned from experience that allowing any app, from anywhere, to have unfettered access to a user’s computer or other device is not good, either. No one wants smartphones to become like the virus and “toolbar”-infested Windows 98 family computers of the past.
Analysis: UK Digital Competition Report Builds the Case for Platform Regulation (Public Knowledge)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Wed, 03/13/2019 - 19:02Harold Feld: Will the FCC Keep Ignoring Carriers That Sell Your GPS Data? (Public Knowledge)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Wed, 03/13/2019 - 19:00John Bergmayer: AT&T Raises Prices After Merger Approval, Proves DoJ Was Right to Sue (Public Knowledge)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Wed, 03/13/2019 - 14:33What Makes Sen Warren’s Platform Proposal So Potentially Important.
March 8, the Presidential campaign of Elizabeth Warren, not to be confused with the actual office of Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), announced Warren’s plan for addressing the tech giants. What makes Warren’s contribution a potential game changer is that she goes well beyond the standard “break ’em up” rhetoric that has dominated most of the conversation to date, and focuses on sustainable sector specific regulation. What makes it so important and smart structurally is that the proposal: