Schools Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition

Balancing E-Rate Funding and Social Media Access in Schools
Congress is currently deliberating changes to the E-rate program, and one proposal has raised eyebrows: requiring schools to ban social media access over their networks as a condition for receiving E-rate funding. While the intention—to protect children from social media risks—is commendable, we have reservations about using the E-rate program as a lever to address this issue.
SHLB Coalition 2023 Policy Roadmap
Each year, the Schools Health and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition issues a policy roadmap to shape its advocacy for community anchor institution broadband. While the priorities outlined in the 2023 roadmap serve as guide posts, SHLB remains flexible in its advocacy efforts and adapts to the dynamic policy landscape. To continue their efforts, all community anchor institutions need robust, multi-gigabit internet connectivity.

What Does the Infrastructure Bill Mean for Anchor Institution Broadband?
Acknowledging that there’s no closing the digital divide without anchors, the Senate infrastructure bill's broadband component adopts a broad definition of “community anchor institution” that includes public housing authorities, healthcare providers, and other community support organizations – anchors that vulnerable populations depend upon the most. Yet when doling out the funding, the program relegates anchors to third priority, meaning that funds may be completely awarded to connect unserved and underserved households before any funding goes to anchor institution connectivity.
Telehealth At the Library? You Bet!
Libraries may be on the brink of a great mobilization to narrow the digital divide. The needs are there, and money is certainly available. If given creative reign with telehealth, great things can come from even the smallest of libraries in these areas:
6 Broadband Research Reports You Can’t Miss (Schools Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition)
Submitted by benton on Fri, 03/20/2020 - 14:07
FCC Must Act Quickly As COVID-19 Threatens Healthcare, Education
The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition asked the Federal Communications Commission to expedite affordable broadband solutions for unconnected Americans. The novel coronavirus is driving schools to online learning and increasing healthcare providers’ reliance on telehealth solutions.
Editorial: The Road to Gigabit Connectivity for Every Anchor and Community (Schools Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition)
Submitted by benton on Tue, 02/18/2020 - 10:49
Mapping Legislation Creates Risk for Schools, Libraries, and Healthcare Providers
Congress is on the verge of passing legislation to improve broadband maps. Unfortunately, tucked inside the “Broadband DATA Act” is a provision that could unintentionally jeopardize broadband funding for schools, libraries, and healthcare providers.

SHLB Applauds Chairman Pai’s Leadership in Connecting Schools and Libraries
In a letter, the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition applauded Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai for promoting fiber broadband deployment to schools and libraries through the E-rate program. “Competitive bidding has been a fundamental principle of the E-rate program since its inception,” said John Windhausen, executive director of the SHLB Coalition.