A Broken System Helped the FCC Kill Net Neutrality. It Afflicts the Whole Government.
It is clear that the online comment system at the Federal Communications Commission, and very likely other public agencies, is easily exploitable and likely broken to the point that it’s causing more harm than good. Though it may seem like an arcane issue, it’s a big problem. When it comes to crafting new federal policies, the notice and comment process might be the only direct way a member of the public can have a voice in federal decision-making. Regulators are legally required to consider opinions shared by Americans.
Why Angry Librarians Are Going to War With Publishers Over E-Books (Slate)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Wed, 09/11/2019 - 13:21What It Means to Work at Google When You Can No Longer Say Anything You Want (Slate)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Tue, 08/27/2019 - 10:53Op-ed: Why I Printed My Facebook: It was thousands of pages’ worth of data—and it was illuminating. (Slate)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Tue, 08/20/2019 - 11:34Telegram Was Built for Democracy Activists. White Nationalists Love It. (Slate)
Submitted by benton on Sun, 08/11/2019 - 15:01The Census Could Undercount People Who Don’t Have Internet Access
A problem could lead to the undercounting of the population of the United States, which would affect how billions in federal funds are distributed. It involves broadband. For the first time in our history, the US census will prioritize collecting responses online. In practice, this means that most households will get a letter in the mail directing them to fill out a form on a website. For households that do not respond, letters with paper forms may follow, and a census taker could eventually be sent to collect the data in person.
We’re Running Out of Spectrum for Both New and Old Technologies
We want our radio and TV broadcasts and cellphone reception to just work. Who cares how? But now might be a good time to start caring. New technologies will require frequency bandwidth, leading to clashes between new, shiny innovations and older technologies we still need but take for granted. These conflicts will only happen more often in the future. Bandwidth is a finite resource, our demand for its use is only increasing, and much of the spectrum has already been apportioned.
Where to Draw the Line on Deplatforming
As a general principle, internet service providers aren’t supposed to erect barriers between the users they serve and the websites those users want to visit. They tend to observe this rule even in places like Australia and New Zealand that don’t have net neutrality policies that prevent ISPs from blocking access to websites. An exception tends to be when those takedowns come at the behest of law enforcement, perhaps out of concern for public safety. But the telecoms companies in New Zealand and Australia didn’t decide to kick websites offline in collaboration with law enforcement.
The President and Congress Are Thinking of Changing This Important Internet Law
President Donald Trump’s technology adviser Abigail Slater suggested that Congress should consider changes to a little-known provision of the Communications Decency Act called Section 230. Section 230 has a simple, sensible goal: to free internet companies from the responsibilities of traditional publishers.