Telecommunications Policy
The future of 5G and beyond: Leadership, deployment and European policies
Strategic rethinking of the policies that promote 5G development and deployment in Europe is needed, as they are crucial in determining the future impact of 5G and later 6G on the digital economy. Considering the current state of 5G deployment and insights that have emerged from the debate on 5G technological leadership, there is a need for a more effective and proactive policy from the European Union (EU) in this field.
Does social media improve women's political empowerment in Africa? (Telecommunications Policy)
Submitted by benton on Sun, 08/13/2023 - 14:27The influence of digital divide frames on legislative passage and partisan sponsorship
Government funding is essential for digital equity. Scholarship on policies to improve internet access often examines the funding mechanisms behind subsidies, or the quality and reach of services provided.
Telecommunications and Space Debris: Adaptive Regulation Beyond Earth (Telecommunications Policy)
Submitted by benton on Fri, 02/24/2023 - 06:31The South Korean case of deploying rural broadband via fiber networks through universal service and public-private partnerships
Despite broadband being an essential infrastructure for conducting basic socio-economic activities and reducing inequality and the digital divide, expanding broadband coverage in rural areas remains a significant challenge in many countries due to high deployment costs.
The heterogeneous role of broadband access on establishment entry and exit by sector and urban and rural markets
Broadband access has heterogeneous effects on establishment entry and exit across industries and across urban and rural markets. Research highlights the following points:
Evaluating the impact of broadband access and internet use in a small underserved rural community
Despite increased investment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of households in the rural United States still lack adequate access to high-speed internet. In this study, we evaluate a wireless broadband network deployed in Turney, a small, underserved rural community in northwest Missouri. In addition to collecting survey data before and after this internet intervention, we collected pre-treatment and post-treatment survey data from comparison communities to serve as a control group.
How transparent are transparency reports? Comparative analysis of transparency reporting across online platforms (Telecommunications Policy)
Submitted by benton on Sat, 01/07/2023 - 09:19The role of mobile network operators in next-generation public safety services
The purpose of this research is to provide a review of ongoing public safety mobile broadband projects in which mobile operators play a key role. The results show that mobile operators have new business opportunities in the public safety market. Their existing mobile networks can be used for public safety services with certain enhancements. Within existing projects, mobile operators have different business models. The two analysed models were found to require different resources and offer different business opportunities for mobile operators.