
FCC Ready to Authorize $140 Million in Rural Broadband Funding for CAF II Auction Winners, Verizon Among Them

The Federal Communications Commission issued a public notice stating that it is “ready to authorize” $140 million in rural broadband funding for a portion of the entities that had winning bids in the Connect America Fund CAF II auction. The FCC is still reviewing required information submitted by auction winners and said other winners that meet all requirements to be deemed “ready to authorize” will be included in a future public notice.

Multi-Tenant Broadband Report: Only Price and Location Matter More Than Broadband

Technology is the third most important consideration for when selecting a multi-tenant residence, according to a survey of Comcast customers conducted by Comcast’s Xfinity Communities division, which provides network services for multi-tenant properties. While extremely important, technology still falls behind price and location, but ahead of other considerations such as gyms, clubhouses, outdoor spaces, common areas and even the quality of schools/districts, according to the survey.