US Senate
On Senate Floor, Klobuchar Highlights Need to Keep Students and Low-Income Families Connected During the Pandemic and Invest in Broadband Infrastructure
On the Senate Floor, Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) spoke about the impact that the lack of access to broadband is having on Americans during the coronavirus pandemic – particularly students and low-income families – and the critical need to bring high-speed internet to every family, regardless of their zip code.
Sen Scott Introduces Two Bills to Expand Rural Broadband
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced two bills addressing broadband issues facing many in our country: The Connecting Minority Communities Act and the Governors Broadband Development Fund.
Sens Hawley, Blumenthal Call for DOJ Investigation into Zoom, TikTok (US Senate)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Thu, 07/30/2020 - 16:08Senator Inhofe places hold on FCC Commissioner O'Rielly nomination
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-OK) announced he has placed a hold on the nomination of Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O'Rielly for another term until Commissioner O’Rielly publically commits to vote to overturn the current Ligado Order. Chairman Inhofe said, "Over the past few months, I have sent letters, held hearings and called countless officials to highlight what we all know to be true: the FCC’s Ligado Order is flawed and will lead to significant harm to our military and the thousands of individuals and businesses that rely on GPS.
Senator Hawley Introduces Bill to Remove Section 230 Immunity from Behavioral Advertisers
Sen Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced he will introduce the Behavioral Advertising Decisions Are Downgrading Services (BAD ADS) Act, a bill to remove Section 230 immunity from Big Tech companies that display manipulative, behavioral ads or provide data to be used for them. Sen Hawley’s bill would crack down on behavioral advertising’s negative effects, which include invasive data collection and user manipulation through design choices.
Sen Gardner Introduces Bill to Immediately Fund Rural Broadband Deployment
Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) introduced legislation to immediately fund broadband deployment in unserved and rural areas. The Developing Economic Prosperity and Linking Our Youth through (DEPLOY) Broadband Act will appropriate $6.5 billion to the Federal Communications Commission for broadband buildout in unserved areas. It also permanently establishes a minimum 10 percent rural dividend for future spectrum auctions and ensures that funding cannot be combined with any other funds at the FCC.
Senator Hawley Requests Twitter Clarify Employee’s Involvement in Cyberattack and New Questions About Moderation Practices (US Senate)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Fri, 07/17/2020 - 10:56Rural Broadband Acceleration Act
Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Mike Braun (R-IN), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Doug Jones (D-AL) introduced the Rural Broadband Acceleration Act, bipartisan legislation that will bolster efforts to expand access to rural broadband nationwide and speed up the distribution of the Federal Communication Commission’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF). The RDOF will allocate $20.4 billion to building rural broadband in two phases and this legislation will ensure that some of that money is distributed to communities much faster than the original deadline.
Sen Bennet Has Some Questions About FCC's 5G Strategy
After the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) recent report about the Federal Communications Commission’s inadequate strategic planning to deploy 5G mobile communications networks nationwide, Sen Michael Bennet (D-CO) wrote to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai with some concerns. Sen Bennet asked for answers to the following questions by July 31, 2020: