The CDC’s language policy isn’t just politics as usual. It’s Orwellian. (Vox)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 13:44Full transcript: FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel answers net neutrality questions on Too Embarrassed to Ask (Vox)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 06:31It’s moving slowly, but Pinterest and other tech companies are becoming less white and less male (Vox)
Submitted by benton on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 06:31When harassment drives women out of journalism (Vox)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 13:00The next front in the net neutrality war: Feds versus the states
In the hours after the Trump administration scrapped rules that required internet providers to treat all web traffic equally, a handful of states mobilized in a bid to reverse the decision by the Federal Communications Commission in court — or perhaps write their own new regulations as a replacement. To start, a coalition of state attorneys general, led by New York, pledged on Dec 14 that they would sue the FCC to stop its rollback from taking place.
Baauer is ‘taking action’ against FCC chairman for using ‘Harlem Shake’ in net neutrality repeal video (Vox)
Submitted by benton on Fri, 12/15/2017 - 06:25Here come the Facebook pre-roll video ads (Vox)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 11:44Net neutrality isn’t the only way to keep the internet fair. It’s just the only way in America.
One reason why network neutrality is such a big deal is that competition among broadband providers is more limited in the United States than it perhaps has to be. Other countries have found a way to create competition: forcing big internet service providers to sell access to the “last mile” of their infrastructure to other internet service providers.