Washington Post
Republicans block debate on infrastructure bill, but final deal could solidify within days (Washington Post)
Submitted by Grace Tepper on Wed, 07/21/2021 - 16:30David Ignatius: Russia and China are trying to control the Internet—even as they censor it (Washington Post)
Submitted by Grace Tepper on Tue, 07/20/2021 - 17:10Conservative attacks on Big Tech are being fueled by Biden's dunks on Facebook (Washington Post)
Submitted by Grace Tepper on Tue, 07/20/2021 - 14:55White House Dispute Exposes Facebook Blind Spot on Misinformation
At the start of the pandemic, a group of data scientists at Facebook held a meeting with executives to ask for resources to help measure the prevalence of misinformation about Covid-19 on the social network. The data scientists said figuring out how many Facebook users saw false or misleading information would be complex, perhaps taking a year a more, according to two people who participated in the meeting.
The spyware is sold to governments to fight terrorism. In India, it was used to hack journalists and others. (Washington Post)
Submitted by benton on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 12:26Gov Northam announces plan to achieve universal broadband across Virginia
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) is announcing a $700 million plan to achieve universal broadband accessibility across Virginia by 2024, a historic investment in broadband for a state long beset by a digital divide. Northam and Sen Mark R. Warner (D-VA) will meet in Abingdon with legislative leaders June 16 to unveil their proposal for spending a portion of the state’s $4.3 billion in federal coronavirus relief funding under the American Rescue Plan.
How your contacts are shared with third-party apps, and how you can stop it (Washington Post)
Submitted by Grace Tepper on Thu, 07/15/2021 - 11:14How Internet and TV providers get away with jacking up your bill
About 200 million people live in parts of America with only one or two options for reliable, fast Internet, according to the White House. Internet service providers also get to sell service using techniques borrowed from used car salesmen; they bundle Internet access with cable TV without telling you how much you’re paying for each, concoct arbitrary charges for using “too much” data, and lock whole apartment buildings into exclusi