Washington Post

President Trump makes it explicit: Negative coverage of him is fake coverage

The Media Research Center says that 91 percent of network news coverage of President Donald Trump from January through April 2018 was negative. [The Media Research Center, please note, is part of the conglomerate of conservative enterprises funded by Robert Mercer and his family, the folks that also funded Cambridge Analytica, Breitbart and former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon.] To which President Trump replied: "The Fake News is working overtime.

Can Facebook and Google’s new federal watchdogs regulate tech?

Facebook and Google must answer to new cops on the beat – a group of five fresh Washington regulators at the Federal Trade Commission who have the power to punish Silicon Valley if it misbehaves. But veterans of the 103-year old watchdog say that the agency increasingly runs the risk of being outmatched by the very tech giants it oversees without more cash, cutting-edge staff and stronger legal teeth.

What the life and death of Cambridge Analytica tells us about politics — and ourselves

Politics and data are now inextricably linked. Cambridge Analytica was part of a world increasingly fueled by vast troves of personal data that billions of Internet users emit every day. Politicians now have the tools to target us each individually — based on data suggesting our race, religion, income, shopping habits, sexual orientation, medical concerns, personality traits, current location, past locations, pet preference or Zodiac sign if they'd like.