Washington Post
Op-ed: Four and a half reasons not to worry that Cambridge Analytica skewed the 2016 election (Washington Post)
Submitted by Robbie McBeath on Fri, 03/23/2018 - 16:13Lawmakers hope to use Facebook’s ‘oil spill’ privacy mishap to usher in sweeping new laws
It was October 2010, and two members of Congress were furious with Facebook. In the eyes of then-Rep. Edward J. Markey and Rep. Joe Barton, the company had failed its users in allowing app developers to take personal data from them and their friends — and transmit it to marketers.
Fretting that those “series of breaches of consumer privacy” had affected millions on the social site, the bipartisan duo then sought to issue Facebook a subtle warning, touting the “comprehensive privacy legislation [that] is currently pending” on Capitol Hill.
Trump administration hits Iranian hacker network with sanctions, indictments in vast global campaign
The Trump administration announced sanctions and criminal indictments against an Iranian hacker network it said was involved in “one of the largest state-sponsored hacking campaigns” ever prosecuted by the United States, targeting hundreds of US and foreign universities, as well as dozens of US companies and government agencies, and the United Nations. None of the alleged hackers were direct employees of the Iranian government, but all worked at the behest of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, officials said.
Mastodon is the new technology that aspires to #DeleteFacebook for good (Washington Post)
Submitted by benton on Fri, 03/23/2018 - 11:31Why Facebook users’ data obtained by Cambridge Analytica has probably spun far out of reach
The data on millions of Facebook users that a firm wrongfully swiped from the social network probably has spread to other groups, databases and the dark Web, experts said, making Facebook’s pledge to safeguard its users’ privacyhard to enforce. Paul-Olivier Dehaye, a privacy expert and co-founder of PersonalData.IO suspects the data has already proliferated far beyond Cambridge Analytica’s reach. “It is the whole nature of this ecosystem,” Dehaye said. “This data travels.