Sen Manchin collects more than 1,000 speed tests
Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) has been collecting speed tests from his constituents to turn over to the Federal Communication Commission to prove their broadband data maps are wrong. His initial goal of collecting 1,000 speed tests in 2020 was accomplished the week of June 22. He says he's now looking to reach 1,500 or even 2,000. “This just a small sampling,” Sen Manchin said. “This is happening all over America. Rural America is getting left behind.
KentuckyWired broadband project completed in Eastern Kentucky
The construction phase of the KentuckyWired project in Eastern Kentucky is complete after multiple delays. Governor Matt Bevin (R) and Congressman Hal Rogers (R) made the announcement at the Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) Summit in Pikeville. With the help of the crowd counting down, the two pressed a button and activated the broadband internet connection in the region.