American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
FCC Chair Unveils Latest ACP Metrics at Net Inclusion 2024
A recent survey revealed that 81 percent of households with schoolchildren receiving a monthly broadband subsidy are worried about the prospect of losing this assistance and its potential effects on their children's education, according to the Universal Service Administrative Company. These metrics “demonstrate with incredible clarity just how important it is to stay connected in modern life and how dangerous it is to threaten disconnection,” said Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel.

Remarks by President Biden at the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference
The American Rescue Plan provided $350 billion to state and local governments. Then we passed the most significant investment in our nation’s infrastructure in generations: roads, bridges, railroads, ports, airports, public transit, clean water, high-speed Internet, and so much more. You know, just like FDR passed the Rural Electrification Act to deliver electricity to nearly every home and farm in America, we’re building affordable high-speed Internet for everyone in America, because the Internet is just as essential today as electricity was then. Last month, I was in Wake County, North Ca

FOCUS Broadband Completes Work on NCDIT GREAT Grant Project in Bladen County (NC)
FOCUS Broadband completed its Faster Bladen broadband project, making high-speed internet service available for over 700 residents and businesses living near Tar Heel and along portions of North Carolina Highway 701 between Clarkton and Elizabethtown. This project was made possible using $2.9 million in funds awarded to FOCUS Broadband in 2022 from the North Carolina Department of Information Technology’s (NCDIT) Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Grant program.

Governor Justice announces nearly $33 million in preliminary approval of Line Extension Advancement and Development program award
Governor Justice (R-WV) announced the preliminary approval of ten awards totaling nearly $33 million through Round 3 of the Line Extension Advancement and Development (LEAD) program of the West Virginia Broadband Investment Plan. These awards will improve access to high-speed broadband and reliable service in nine counties throughout the state and represent a significant milestone in West Virginia’s continued commitment to ensuring that every West Virginian has access to reliable broadband service. Four internet service providers will install approximately 660 miles of new infrastructure, c

Governor Ivey Awards $188 Million for ‘Middle Mile’ Broadband Projects with Impact Across the State
Governor Kay Ivey (R-AL) announced the awarding of more than $188 million to continue the expansion of high-speed internet access in Alabama. The grants, totaling $188,453,905, were awarded to 12 internet service providers to install more than 4,000 miles of “middle-mile” projects throughout Alabama. Middle-mile projects help fill the gap in broadband expansion to make it more economically feasible and less labor intensive for providers to extend services to unserved businesses and households in the state. The entities awarded grants are:

FCC Grants Waivers of ECF Service Delivery and Invoice Filing Deadlines
In this Order, we address six requests for waiver filed by Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program applicants (collectively, the Petitioners). Specifically, we waive and extend the service delivery date and/or the invoice filing deadline for the Petitioners who applied for ECF support for equipment, non-recurring services, and recurring services during the first and second application filing windows, recognizing the emergency nature of the ECF program as well as the limited, one-time funding opportunity it presents. Earlier this year, the Wireline Competition Bureau provided ECF first and
Reps Markey, Van Hollen, and Meng Lead Colleagues in Letter of Support for FCC E-Rate Rulemaking
Sens Edward Markey (D-MA) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Rep Grace Meng (D-NY), led 64 of their colleagues in a letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel supporting the Commission’s proposal to expand the E-Rate program to allow schools and libraries to loan out Wi-Fi hotspots to students and educators.
Broadband across the nation: 2024 funding tracker
Tracking broadband funding awards as they happen. In January 2024:
Eagle set to begin connecting city facilities, parks and first homes to broadband network in 2024
Eagle (ID) is ready to light up the first phase of its long-planned, federally-funded broadband network. Residents of the northern Ada County suburb will soon be able to take advantage of free Wi-Fi in city parks as work continues on a city-wide broadband network funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.

The ARPAphant in the room
Cartesian and ACA Connects released the 4th version of their estimate for how far the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) money will go, finding that we can reach “at least 71 percent of eligible locations” with fiber with the estimated $61 billion is available (BEAD + provider matching) to reach the remaining 10.1 million unserved and underserved locations.