
Chairmen Walden, Blackburn on FCC’s Proposed Spectrum Auctions

House Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Communications Subcommittee Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) released the following statement on the announcement from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai on proposed spectrum auctions: "The race to 5G is a sprint, not a marathon, and the proposed spectrum auctions will help ensure the United States remains at the forefront of this emerging technology.

Chairman Pai Remarks at Mobile World Congress

[Speech] What is America’s strategy for seizing the 5G future? Make no mistake about it: I want the United States to be the best country for innovating and investing in 5G networks. I want American entrepreneurs to push the boundaries of the possible and American consumers to benefit from next-generation technologies. To accomplish this—and consistent with our market-based philosophy—the Federal Communications Commission is pursuing a wireless strategy built on three pillars: (1) spectrum, (2) infrastructure, and (3) light-touch network regulation.

FCC Resolves Petitions for Reconsideration for Mobility Fund Phase II

The Federal Communications Commission resolved the remaining petitions for reconsideration of Commission decisions in the February 2017 Mobility Fund Phase II Report and Order. In that Order, the Commission adopted rules to move forward with the MF-II auction, which will provide up to $4.53 billion in high-cost support over 10 years to extend high-speed mobile voice and broadband coverage to unserved and underserved areas across the United States. The Commission received seven petitions for reconsideration of the MF-II Report & Order.

FCC Proposes to Open Spectrum Horizons for New Services & Technologies

The Federal Communications Commission initiated a proceeding to expand access to spectrum above 95 GHz. This spectrum has long been considered the outermost horizon of the usable spectrum range. Currently, the Commission has no rules to permit licensed or unlicensed communications use above 95 GHz, other than by amateur operators or on an experimental basis.

Remarks Of Jay Schwarz, Wireline Advisor To FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, At The 2018 Utilities Broadband Workshop Of The Utilities Technology Council

Utilities—who are already everywhere; who have already connected this nation once with electricity—have an important role to play in the coming connected future.  I’m here today because we are every bit as excited about the prospect of utilities building out broadband networks. Utilities are ideally positioned to get more involved in the broadband game. For starters, utilities have something much more powerful than SpaceX’s 23-story-tall jumbo rockets. Utilities have poles. Utilities already own much of the infrastructure.

Television Broadcasters are Big Winners in FCC Reauthorization Approved by House Commerce Committee

The House Commerce Committee approved a bill that reauthorizes the Federal Communications Commission -- and includes a number of other bills, including an incentive auction fund increase.

Remarks of FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly Before The Policy Forum at AT&T "The 3.5 GHz Future Innovation Showcase"

I am honored to participate in this Policy Forum showcasing the promise of 3.5 GHz and discussing the future of this centrally-located spectrum. My hope today is to give a bit of background on the band and the Commission’s work and provide an update on some outstanding issues. 

FCC Takes Final Steps for Next Phase of Rural Broadband Expansion

The Federal Communications Commission took the final actions required to launch its innovative Connect America Fund Phase II auction, which will provide up to nearly $2 billion over the next decade to expand fixed, high-speed Internet service in unserved rural areas. In a Public Notice adopted Jan 30, the FCC scheduled the auction to begin on July 24, set a March 30 deadline for applications to participate, and set out detailed procedures for the auction. The FCC also adopted an Order on Reconsideration resolving all pending challenges to earlier FCC auction implementation decisions.

Too High a Price for America’s Next Generation TV System

[Commentary] On November 16, the Federal Communications Commission granted TV licensees the right to provide what it euphemistically called “the next generation TV broadcast standard.” Although this giveaway of spectrum rights (popularly known as the “public airwaves”) to media plutocrats had substantial benefits for the American public, it also had needlessly high costs.

FCC Seeks Comment on Technological Advisory Council (TAC) Spectrum Policy Recommendations

The Office of Engineering and Technology seeks comment on spectrum policy recommendations that the FCC's Technological Advisory Council (TAC) has made to the FCC through its Chairman and has elaborated on in more detail through several white papers.