Capital Projects Fund

New York is Working to ConnectALL

New York State is approaching universal broadband through both access and adoption—and recognizes that affordability is a key barrier to adoption. In January 2022, Gov. Hochul unveiled ConnectALL, a $1 billion public-private initiative to deliver affordable broadband to millions of New Yorkers and transform the state's digital infrastructure through new investments. The initiative includes: 

Treasury Department Announces New York’s Capital Projects Fund Award

The US Department of the Treasury announced the approval of high-speed internet projects in New York under the American Rescue Plan’s (ARPA) Capital Projects Fund (CPF). The state will use its funding to connect nearly 100,000 low-income housing units to affordable, high-speed internet.

Proposed Supplementary Broadband Guidance

As provided for in each Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) and Capital Projects Fund (CPF) award agreement, the Uniform Guidance applies to all uses of funds made available under those awards unless provided otherwise by the US Department of the Treasury. In response to questions from recipients and internet service providers, Treasury is proposing to issue the following guidance regarding the application of the Uniform Guidance to broadband infrastructure projects.

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas to Receive $15 Million to Provide Communities Digital Devices and Skills Training

Governor Laura Kelly (D-KS) announced that Kansas is the first state to receive $15 million in US Department of Treasury Digital Connectivity Technology (DCT) funds. The money will support equal access to high-speed internet, provide devices to underserved Kansans, and expand digital skills training for communities across Kansas. The DCT funds are made available under the American Rescue Plan Act's (ARPA) Capital Projects Fund (CPF).

American Rescue Plan Two Years In

The American Rescue Plan has helped to power one of the strongest and most equitable recoveries on record while making investments which position our nation for economic success in the coming decades. Over 30,000 state, local, Tribal, and territorial governments have received State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and made $24.3 billion in critical infrastructure investments in broadband, water, and sewer. Governments have reported budgeting nearly $7.3 billion in SLFRF funds towards broadband.

Kentucky grapples with broadband mapping, terrain hurdles

Kentucky, which only established its broadband office in 2022, is putting in some hard, and in some cases unique, work to enhance internet access and prepare for the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. Meghan Sandfoss, executive director for Kentucky’s Office of Broadband Development, delved into some of the challenges the state has encountered.

50 Ways the American Rescue Plan Act is Improving Internet Connectivity

Today marks the second anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act. Funding from the law provided over $25 billion to jumpstart universal broadband access—including broadband connections for 16 million students through the Emergency Connectivity Fund for schools and libraries to close the homework gap.

South Carolina's Bipartisan Efforts on the 'Next, Next Greatest Thing'

In 2021, the South Carolina General Assembly established the Office of Broadband Coordinator within the Office of Regulatory Staff to serve as the central broadband planning body for the state and to coordinate with federal, state, regional, local, and private entities to encourage the continued development of access to broadband in the Palmetto State. The office was charged with convening a collaborative stakeholder process to identify challenges to expediting broadband access—and so it established the Broadband Advisory Council to help guide broadband planning in South Carolina.

Office of Broadband Access and Expansion Announces Third Wave of Connect New Mexico Pilot Program Funding

The New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) has extended the deadline for Wave Three of the Connect New Mexico Pilot Program (“Pilot Program”). The application period will close on April 3, 2023. The Pilot Program aims to bridge the digital divide and foster socioeconomic progress by providing infrastructure grants for broadband deployment to unserved and underserved communities across New Mexico. The $123 million pilot program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act’s (ARPA) Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF).

Treasury Announces American Rescue Plan Funds to Connect Over 31,000 in South Carolina

The US Department of the Treasury announced the approval of broadband projects in South Carolina under the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The state estimates it will use its funding to connect over 31,000 homes and businesses to affordable, high-speed internet—representing 23% of locations still lacking high-speed internet access..