Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare

The use of computers and the Internet in conducting warfare in cyberspace.

House Appropriations Committee rebukes President Trump, upholds sanctions on Chinese tech megafirm

The House Appropriations Committee quietly rejected the Trump administration’s efforts to help restore the US operations of the controversial Chinese tech megafirm, ZTE. Lawmakers from both parties unanimously agreed to include in an appropriations bill a provision that would uphold sanctions against the Chinese phone-maker, just days after President Donald Trump revealed in a tweet that he has directed his administration to help put the company “back in business.” The language was added to a relatively uncontroversial House spending bill, which funds the Commerce Department, among other ag

Justice Department and FBI Are Investigating Cambridge Analytica

The Justice Department and the FBI are investigating Cambridge Analytica, the now-defunct political data firm, and have sought to question former employees and banks that handled its business. Prosecutors have questioned potential witnesses in recent weeks, telling them that there is an open investigation into Cambridge Analytica — which worked on President Trump’s election and other Republican campaigns in 2016 — and “associated U.S.

White House eliminates top cyber adviser post

The Trump administration has eliminated the White House’s top cyber policy role, jettisoning a key position created during the Obama presidency to harmonize the government's overall approach to cybersecurity policy and digital warfare. The decision is part of an effort to “streamline authority” for the senior directors who lead most NSC teams.

President Trump Orders Help For Chinese Phone-Maker After China Approves Money For Trump Project

A mere 72 hours after the Chinese government agreed to put a half-billion dollars into an Indonesian project that will personally enrich President Donald Trump, he ordered a bailout for a Chinese-government-owned cellphone maker ZTE. 

Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross: We’re exploring ‘alternative remedies’ for ZTE ban

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said that the Trump administration is open to changing its ban on US companies buying and selling products from Chinese phone-maker ZTE, a day after President Donald Trump hinted at a surprising reversal. “ZTE did do some inappropriate things. They’ve admitted to that,” Sec Ross said. “The question is: Are there alternative remedies to the one that we had originally put forward? And that’s the area we will be exploring very, very promptly.”

President Trump pledges to help Chinese phonemaker ZTE ‘get back into business’

President Donald Trump pledged  to help Chinese telecom giant ZTE return to business, days after the company said it would cease “major operating activities” because of the US government’s recent trade restrictions, a dramatic shift in tone for a president who has long accused China of stealing US jobs. “President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast,” President Trump tweeted. “Too many jobs in China lost.


House Communications and Technology Subcommittee

House Commerce Committee

Wed, 05/16/2018 - 15:00

This hearing will examine the convergence of expanding broadband access, promoting competition in both wireline and wireless markets, and protecting our telecommunications infrastructure from national security threats. Members will discuss the many steps making up the supply chain for equipment in U.S. telecommunications networks, and how government and industry respond to threats and opportunities.

Altaba, Formerly Known as Yahoo!, Charged With Failing to Disclose Massive Cybersecurity Breach; Agrees To Pay $35 Million

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that the entity formerly known as Yahoo! Inc.

Senate confirms Trump's pick for NSA, Cyber Command

The Senate quietly confirmed President Donald Trump's nominee to lead the National Security Agency and US Cyber Command. US Army Cyber Command chief Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone was unanimously confirmed by voice vote to serve as the "dual-hat" leader of both organizations. The two have shared a leader since the Pentagon established Cyber Command in 2009. He will replace retiring Navy Adm. Mike Rogers after a nearly four-year term.

Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign

The Democratic National Committee filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the Russian government, the Trump campaign and the WikiLeaks organization alleging a far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the 2016 campaign and tilt the election to Donald Trump.  The complaint, filed in federal district court in Manhattan, alleges that top Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government and its military spy agency to hurt Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump by hacking the computer networks of the Democratic Party and disseminating stolen material found ther