Data & Mapping
Cable company’s accidental email to rival discusses plan to block competition
On October 17, 2022, Jonathan Chambers received an email that wasn't meant for him.
Oregon Seeks Planning Consultant for federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program and Digital Equity
Business Oregon is seeking a consultant (or team) to complete several projects necessary for Oregon's participation in new federal programs to develop highspeed broadband internet access and digital literacy and adoption. The selected party will conduct robust community engagement and data collection, as well as prepare a number of plans which are listed below:
What Is the FCC’s New Broadband Map and Why Does it Matter?
The Federal Communications Commission released an updated map detailing broadband availability nationwide that will be used to allocate $42 billion in federal funds to states and territories to help expand access to affordable high-speed internet.
FCC Releases New National Broadband Maps
The Federal Communications Commission released a pre-production draft of its new National Broadband Map. The map will display specific location-level information about broadband services available throughout the country – a significant step forward from the census block level data previously collected. This release of the draft map kicks off the public challenge processes that will play a critical role in improving the accuracy of the map.
House Passes Ensuring Phone and Internet Access Through Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program Act of 2022
By a vote of 381-39, the House passed the Ensuring Phone and Internet Access Through Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program Act of 2022 (H.R. 4275). Introduced by Reps.
Improved broadband maps to deliver more connectivity
The Federal Communications Commission will unveil the first draft of new, dramatically improved national broadband availability maps.
Broadband Pricing: What Consumer Reports Learned From 22,000 Internet Bills
Broadband service is too expensive for many Americans to afford. Consumer Reports ollected and analyzed more than 22,000 consumer broadband bills.
A critical update to the national broadband map is coming
The Federal Communications Commission is set to release the first round of its updated national broadband map.
A Year One Update on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Investing in Broadband Deployment
One aim of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is to ensure that every American has access to reliable, affordable, high-speed internet service. The law allocates $65 billion to expand broadband in communities across the U.S., create more low-cost broadband service options, subsidize the cost of service for low-income households, and provide funding to address digital equity and inclusion needs.
Broadband Data Task Force Announces Access to the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric for Other Entities and Releases Methodology Manual
The Federal Communications Commission's s Broadband Data Task Force (Task Force), Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB), and Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA) announced that parties may now begin the process of obtaining a license to the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric for purposes of preparing and submitting challenges through the FCC’s Broadband Data Collection (BDC). To access the Fabric data, each entity must register in the Commission Registration System (CORES), log into the BDC system, and execute a limited end-user license agreement for the Fabric.