Digital Content

Information that is published or distributed in a digital form, including text, data, sound recordings, photographs and images, motion pictures, and software.

Harmful 5G Fast Lanes are Coming. The FCC Needs to Stop Them

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to vote on April 25 to restore its authority over the companies we pay to get online, and reinstate federal net neutrality protections that were jettisoned by the Trump administration in 2017.  Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not the internet service providers (ISPs) we pay to get online, get to decide what we do online.

Why the California Journalism Preservation Act is putting support of the news ecosystem at risk

A pending bill in the California state legislature, the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), would create a “link tax” that would require Google to pay for simply connecting Californians to news articles. We have long said that this is the wrong approach to supporting journalism. If passed, CJPA may result in significant changes to the services we can offer Californians and the traffic we can provide to California publishers. By helping people find news stories, we help publishers of all sizes grow their audiences at no cost to them. CJPA would up-end that model.

AI makes the fight for net neutrality even more important

On April 25, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will—for the seventh time in 20 years—address the issue of net neutrality.

Reps Bilirakis, Castor, Houchin, and Schrier Introduce Comprehensive Bill to Better Protect Kids Online

House Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), together with Representatives Kathy Castor (D-FL), Erin Houchin (R-IN), and Kim Schrier (D-WA) have introduced the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). This comprehensive legislation will provide kids and parents with the safeguards, tools, and transparency they need to better protect against serious online threats to children’s health and emotional wellbeing.

Reps Walberg, Castor Introduce Comprehensive Children's Privacy Bill Image

Reps. Tim Walberg (R-MI) and Kathy Castor (D-FL) introduced Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0). The bipartisan, bicameral COPPA 2.0 modernizes and strengthens the only online privacy law for children, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Justice Department to Publish Final Rule to Strengthen Web and Mobile App Access for People with Disabilities

Attorney General Merrick Garland signed a final rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the accessibility of web content and mobile applications (apps) for people with disabilities. This final rule clarifies the obligations of state and local governments to make their websites and mobile applications accessible.

Maryland Passes Two Major Privacy Bills, Despite Tech Industry Pushback

The Maryland legislature passed two sweeping privacy bills that aim to restrict how powerful tech platforms can harvest and use the personal data of consumers and young people—despite strong objections from industry trade groups representing giants like Amazon, Google and Meta. One bill, the Maryland Online Data Privacy Act, would impose wide-ranging restrictions on how companies may collect and use the personal data of consumers in the state.

Model analysis on the economic impact of paid peering: Implications of the Netflix vs. SK broadband dispute

In April 2020, Netflix, Inc. and its Korean subsidiary Netflix Services Korea Ltd. filed a lawsuit against SK Broadband, Inc., seeking confirmation that there were no obligations to bear network costs. On June 25, 2021, the Seoul Central District Court rejected Netflix’s argument and acknowledged the existence of an obligation to negotiate fees. Netflix subsequently appealed the decision on November 5, 2021.

Commissioner Carr Opposes Biden's Internet Control Plan

The Federal Communications Commission will vote on April 25 to further expand the government’s power over the Internet. It will do so by implementing President Biden’s call for the FCC to impose utility-style “net neutrality” regulations on the Internet through Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. This decision follows the five-member FCC’s partisan, 3-2 vote last October to seek public comment on this action.

The 19th Century Idea that Could Help Fix Big Tech

When it comes to tech companies, lawmakers often seem to be talking about different things at once. Sometimes lawmakers are angry that tech companies don’t take enough action to protect their users, saying companies need to be held liable for harms, particularly harms to children.