
Commissioner Carr Opposes President Biden's Plan to Give the Administrative State Effective Control of all Internet Services and Infrastructure in the U.S.

In October 2023, the Biden Administration called on the Federal Communications Commission to implement provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The FCC will vote on Nov 15 on new rules; I oppose the plan for several reasons:

The Best of Times or the Worst of Times: Which Will It Be?

Charles Dickens opened A Tale of Two Cities writing that “It was the best of times, it was worst of times”. Therein may lie some helpful context for understanding where our country finds itself today. I don’t propose to cover the entire issues waterfront in this brief piece, but will instead focus on a few of the things I see dragging our country and our government down today. For the purposes of this essay, I will include telecommunications and media, Congress, and the courts. To start off on the positive, there’s some really good news at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Congressional Budget Office Scores the NTIA Reauthorization Act of 2023

The NTIA Reauthorization Act of 2023 (H.R. 4510) would authorize the appropriation of $62 million for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to carry out its operations. The bill would codify some existing responsibilities and programs of the NTIA, such as the Office of Public Safety Communications and the Office of International Affairs. H.R. 4510 also would require the NTIA to carry out other responsibilities including a cybersecurity literacy campaign and studying the cybersecurity of mobile service networks.

NTCA Launches “Broadband Built to Last" Ad Campaign to Promote Importance of Sustainable Universal Service Fund

NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association launched its new “Broadband Built to Last” ad campaign, which aims to educate policymakers and the public on the critical role the Universal Service Fund plays in getting and keeping rural consumers connected to high quality, affordable broadband service. 

South Dakota Sets High Bar for Broadband Funding

The state of South Dakota has set a high bar for applicants seeking rural broadband funding in the ConnectSD Broadband Development Program. For example, the state sees fiber broadband as the “gold standard” in broadband technology.

Senator Schmitt Demands Answers from FCC Chairwoman Regarding her Attempt to Reinstate Net Neutrality Rules

Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to demand answers regarding the FCC’s partisan Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to reinstate failed Title II net neutrality rules. “As a member of the U.S.

Idaho Awards $119 Million for Broadband to Ziply, Comcast and Others

The state of Idaho has awarded nearly $119 million in funding to Ziply, Comcast and 14 others. Ziply won two awards totaling over $14.3 million. Comcast won a single award for over $9.8 million. Other awardees included competitive and incumbent local providers. In addition, some awards went to individual counties. Awardees will contribute matching funds equal to 30 percent of project costs on average. The funding will go toward last mile and middle mile projects. The funding for the program came through the federal Capital Projects Fund.

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Says New Funding Waiver Enhances Pool of BEAD Funding Applicants

 Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar (R-TX) applauded the federal government’s decision to provide a waiver for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program that will give potential applicants broader financing options. “I am pleased [the National Telecommunications and Information Administration] has agreed to allow alternative ways for providers to comply with this requirement of the [Notice of Funding Opportunity],” Comptroller Hegar said.

FCC’s Net Neutrality Docket Heats Up — Again

Fans of Title II-based network neutrality rules are once again flooding the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality comment docket with identical calls for restoration of the rules, as the Democrat-controlled agency has proposed. The docket already has almost 20,000 comments and, as such, is the commission’s most active proceeding, far outstripping the second-place docket for rules on international communications and spectrum issues, which has less than 3,000.

2023 Technology Use (Farm Computer Usage and Ownership) Report

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the 2023 Technology Use (Farm Computer Usage and Ownership) report. According to USDA, 85 percent of farms reported having access to the internet nationally. In 2023, 32 percent of farms used the internet to purchase agricultural inputs, which was an increase of 3 percent from 2021. Additionally, 23 percent of farms used the internet to market agricultural activities, which was an increase of 2 percent from 2021. Farms which conducted business with non-agricultural websites in 2023 increased by 2 percent to 49 percent.