
States Seek to Fund Broadband Upgrades in Affordable Rental Housing

Getting access to broadband services remains a challenge for many residents of affordable rental housing. Though these properties are often in areas that have high-speed internet service, physical access and cost may keep households offline. Recognizing these challenges, several states have directed funding toward programs focused on expanding broadband access in affordable rental housing. Pandemic relief funds are another tool states are using to improve broadband access in low-income neighborhoods and affordable rental housing. Several states have also allocated a portion of their 

FCC Announces Staff for Office of International Affairs & Space Bureau

The Federal Communications Commission officially launched its new Space Bureau and Office of International Affairs on April 11, 2023.

FCC Announces Comment Dates for the Martha Wright-Reed Act

The Federal Communications Commission' Wireline Competition Bureau announced that comments in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on issues related to the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022 are due no later than May 8, 2023, and reply comments are due no later than June 6, 2023. The Notice, which seeks comment on matters related to implementing the new Act and establishing just and reasonable rates and charges for incarcerated people’s communications services, requires that comments and reply comments be filed no later than 30 days an

Net Neutrality Again?

There is an interesting recent discussion in Europe about net neutrality that has relevance to the US broadband market. The European Commission that oversees telecommunications and broadband has started taking comments on a proposal to force content generators like Netflix to pay fees to Internet service providers (ISP) for using the Internet.

Billions are coming to Ohio for broadband access: How will it change things?

Governments and local nonprofits have dedicated billions of dollars to bring broadband internet to millions of Americans who don’t have it. The gaps don’t just include whether or not broadband internet is available at individual addresses, but the availability of devices, affordability, and the tools and skills to not get scammed while online.

Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Post-Authorization Defaults Announced

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) announced that Gila Local Exchange Carrier d/b/a Alluvion Communications (GLEC) and Fond du Lac Communications (Fond du Lac) have notified the FCC of their decisions to withdraw from the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II auction support program. Fond du Lac’s and GLEC’s letters constitute notification to the FCC that they are defaulting on their obligations to meet their service milestones.

Biden-Harris Administration Officials, Senator Casey Announce Approval of Federal Funding to Connect 44,000 Pennsylvanians

The US Department of the Treasury’s Chief Recovery Officer Jacob Leibenluft joined White House American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coordinator Gene Sperling and US Senator Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA) to announce the approval of $200 million for high-speed internet projects in Pennsylvania under the American Rescue Plan’s Capital Projects Fund (CPF).

Sens Rosen and Thune Introduce Accurate Map for Broadband Investment Act

US Senators Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and John Thune (R-SD) introduced the Accurate Map for Broadband Investment Act, bipartisan legislation to ensure that the Federal Communications Commission has time to update and fix the  National Broadband Map before the Department of Commerce fully allocates broadband infrastructure funding.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s Response to Members of Congress Regarding Telecommunications Networks in the United States

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel responded to a letter from a group of senators regarding the risks of foreign-managed service providers to US telecommunications networks. In her response, Roenworcel stated that she has made network security a top priority and is working with the Senator to ensure that the US assesses the risks posed by service providers outsourcing the administration of their networks to foreign entities.