Biden-Harris Administration Awards $9 Million to Nevada to Advance Digital Inclusion Efforts
The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded more than $9 million to Nevada to implement its Digital Equity Plan.
Michigan High Speed Internet Office Launches $13 Million Grant Process for Michigan's Inclusive Training, Technology and Equity Network
The Michigan High Speed Internet Office (MIHI) launched Michigan's Inclusive Training, Technology and Equity Network (MITTEN), a $13 million grant program to bolster digital inclusion and capacity building efforts for regional entities and collaboratives throughout the state. Applicants are encouraged to apply to be regional resource hubs and host sites for the state’s regional digital coordinators.
The Future of Affordable Broadband: Life after the Affordable Connectivity Program
What can be done for the 23 million households that relied on the Affordable Connectivity Program? The Federal Communications Commission could start a proceeding to increase the amount of money in the USF so that it can fund an ACP-like subsidy. It has the power under the Communications Act, it has a consistent funding source, and it has a reason with the ACP’s expiration—an event former FCC Chief of Staff Blair Levin describes as the “biggest step any country has ever taken to widen, rather than close, its digital divide.” Given all this, why doesn’t the FCC act?
Promoting Digital Equity by Automating Enrollment in Consumer Support Programs
Lifeline and the now defunct Affordable Connectivity Program have helped millions of families afford Internet services that support online learning, remote work, and access to telehealth, among many other uses linked to social and economic wellbeing. However, individuals and families entitled to receive these benefits often have to navigate a complex web of procedures to demonstrate eligibility, enroll in the program and receive services.
Verizon Wireless to Pay Over $1 Million to Settle FCC Investigation into 911 Outage in Six States
The Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau announced a settlement to resolve its investigation into whether Verizon Wireless violated FCC rules by failing to deliver 911 calls during an outage in December 2022, in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. As Congress and the Commission have found, robust and reliable 911 service is a critical national priority. Those calling first responders must be able to rely on their calls being completed.
Broadband Data Task Force Announces the Opening of the Fifth Broadband Data Collection Window
The Federal Communications Commission's Broadband Data Task Force announced that the fifth Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window for submitting broadband availability and other data as of June 30, 2024, will open on July 1, 2024. In addition, the June 2024 update (Version 5) of the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric) is being made available to existing Fabric licensees in advance of the opening of the window.
The Man Who’ll Oversee Nearly $1.9 Million in BEAD Grants for California Broadband Buildouts
California’s Broadband Office is just what you’d expect: large, spread out, and a little hard to navigate. It’s not, technically, even one office. In actuality, the California Public Utilities Commission's Communications Division handles the complicated task of allocating broadband grants to serve those in need. The CPUC’s Communications Division oversees the state’s telecommunications issues in six branches. Within broadband there are approximately 75 employees with a subsection of 25 dedicated to Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD).
Inside the Telecommunications Bubble
A recent Harris-Guardian poll shows that the public’s perception of the economy is different than economic reality. Most things that the majority of Americans believe about the economy are wrong. I have to say this surprised me more than it probably should have.
What’s Working: New broadband laws to help Colorado streamline distribution of $800+ million
There’s nearly a billion dollars en route to Colorado to fix internet service issues like slow speeds, affordability or the complete lack of service, especially in rural areas.
The Divide: How Colorado is preparing to award $826 Million for BEAD
This episode of The Divide features Brandy Reitter, executive director for Colorado's broadband office.