Gov performance

A largely moribund, sluggish, frightened, alleged watchdog for the American consumer

Ralph Nader wrote in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission's five commissioners saying the agency "remains a largely moribund, sluggish, frightened, alleged watchdog for the American consumer." He offers seven suggestions to improve the FTC:


Blandin Foundation

Tue, 10/08/2019 - 14:00 to Thu, 10/10/2019 - 22:00

Broadband access today is as varied as communities across Minnesota. Some enjoy a gig, others are working hard for any service, and the rest are somewhere in between. This conference is for all communities, regardless of where they are on the spectrum – because we’ve learned that having broadband isn’t enough. It takes inspiration, encouragement and guidance to reap the full benefits. We’ll be talking about how to make the most of what you’ve got and/or get more.

This year’s conference will shine a light on local broadband heroes as well as look at several aspects of broadband:

Verification of Mobile Wireless Service in Puerto Rico Post Hurricane Maria

The Universal Service Administrative Company used airborne drones to measure mobile wireless coverage in Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Maria. USAC’s vendor conducted a total of 20 drone tests in Puerto Rico; one of which was overlapped by a drive test in order to compare relative performance. The remaining 19 drone tests were conducted in impassible areas. Within Puerto Rico, the test evidence suggests that drones are capable of quickly surveying smaller areas, but may not be as useful for surveying larger areas in a cost-effective manner at this time.

Killing Net Neutrality Rules Did Far More Harm Than You Probably Realize

We've noted repeatedly that the repeal of network neutrality did far more than just kill popular net neutrality rules. It effectively neutered the Federal Communications Commission's ability to do its job and oversee lumbering natural telecom monopolies.

The Case for Using Algorithms to Validate Broadband Data

It’s time for the Federal Communications Commission to step into the future by using artificial intelligence tools to address the continuing lack of affordable broadband to many communities—an increasingly entrenched problem of “internet inequality,” which impacts our economy and democracy and threatens the future global competitiveness of our country. By adopting more sophisticated data validation algorithms, the FCC could avoid repeating past mistakes. Such algorithms can not only automate the data validation process but also can ensure consistency and learn from previous provider submiss

Ajit Pai Is Working Hard to Make Broadband Users Dumb Again

The death of federal network neutrality protections in the US didn’t only give Internet service providers license to penalize customers who don’t agree to buy their services. It also pointlessly mystified the process whereby consumers acquire the most basic, unsimplified details about their home internet’s price, speed, and capacity.

The FCC's rural infrastructure auction: What is hidden in the weeds?

Examines reverse auction designed by the Federal Communications Commission to fund deployment of broadband infrastructure in high-cost, mainly rural areas. We assess the effectiveness of the auction's three main objectives: 1) To attract new providers that are willing to provide broadband service in unserved areas; 2) To expand the acceptable service speed and latency levels to achieve public interest objectives; 3) To lower costs of providing service through competitive bidding.

CBO Scores Broadband Interagency Coordination Act

The Broadband Interagency Coordination Act of 2019 (S.1294) would require the Federal Communication Commission, Department of Agriculture, and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to enter into an interagency agreement to coordinate how federal funding for the deployment of broadband internet technologies is distributed. The agreement would cover data and information sharing among those agencies.


House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

Thu, 06/20/2019 - 19:00

Industry Influence on an FCC Advisory Panel

After high-tech phone network outages hit major US cities in 1991, the Federal Communications Commission chartered an advisory group to help the agency troubleshoot emerging technology issues. Yet instead of helping solve problems, this industry-dominated group has at times been a barrier to strengthening the security of America’s communications.