Government & Communications

Attempts by governmental bodies to improve or impede communications with or between the citizenry.

Sen McCain decries 'media frenzy' around Capitol

Sen John McCain (R-AZ) says the media is frequently "ambushing" lawmakers, decrying the “30-second news cycles” created by social media.

"We are in almost a media frenzy. There are large numbers of reporters, cameras, microphones waiting as you go to vote," Sen McCain said. He added that reporters "are all waiting and ambushing for something that’s quotable." Sen McCain said he's "not a critic of the media," though he does “hate them." He said he sometimes gets himself into trouble because he is not careful when speaking to the press. Sen McCain also warned internet users to beware of fake online news stories, referring to a conspiracy theory about a DC-based pizza shop running a child sex trafficking ring. “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. Check it out before you believe it,” Sen McCain added.