Individuals who primarily Reside in a Rural Area

The We Don’t Want to Pay for Universal Telecommunications Access Litigants Finally Hit Paydirt

For several years now, a well-funded litigation group has sought an appellate court decision deeming the current method of funding the Federal Communications Commission's Universal Service Fund unconstitutional. The litigants finally hit paydirt in an enbanc appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that ruled in their favor on a 9-7 vote. The litigants ostensibly expressed concerns about constitutional rights, economic freedom, what constitutes a tax, how specific a congressional delegation of authority has to be, and the extent to which the FCC could lawfully delegate administration of

Exacerbating the divide? Investigating rural inequalities in high speed broadband availability

Although the urban–rural digital divide is a globally common phenomenon, less is known about the social determinants of the digital divide within rural and urban areas. Understanding this relationship is important for assessing the equity implications of telecommunication policy given the ongoing and significant public investment into high speed broadband infrastructure. This paper contributes to this discussion by connecting high speed broadband maps in Ireland to measures of social deprivation constructed from detailed population-wide Irish census data collected in 2022.

USTelecom Letter to Commerce Secretary Adresses BEAD Low-Cost Service Requirement

USTelecom and more than 30 other broadband industry groups sent a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo covering several ideas for how the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) can remedy the issues posed by the rates being approved for the low-cost service option requirement in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD)Pprogram.

New court ruling puts Universal Service Fund in hot water

In a ruling that quickly caused shock waves in the U.S. telecommunications industry, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled, 9-7, that the Universal Service Fund (USF) is unconstitutional as currently administered. The Court explained its ruling by saying that the USF is a “misbegotten tax” that violates Article I, § 1 of the Constitution, which states that all legislative powers are given to Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Responses to Universal Service Fund Decision

After the Fifth Circuit ruled, 9-7, that the Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional as currently administered, we've seen the following responses.

What’s Next for Digital Equity? Preparing for the Competitive Grant Program

As required by the Digital Equity Act, the $1.25 billion Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program will be established soon, making hundreds of millions of dollars available in the first Notice of Funding Opportunity to implement digital inclusion projects. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act mandates that funding be directed towards programs designed to empower those impacted by the digital divide, known as Covered Populations.

Delaware Wants to be the First State to Achieve Universal Broadband

Delaware’s goal for broadband deployment is to be the first state to deliver universal broadband—that is, to ensure an affordable high-speed internet connection to all homes and businesses. Affordability is the second most common reason for nonsubscription cited by Delawarean households who do not purchase home internet service—ranking above a lack of need for or interest in service, and slightly below service not being available. The struggle of some Delaware residents to afford broadband services, devices, and technical support restricts their ability to fully engage in the digital world.

Will BEAD Networks Deliver Affordable Broadband for All in West Virginia?

West Virginia's plan for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program funds aims to ensure that every resident has access to reliable, affordable, and high-speed broadband and the ability to use it effectively. The cost of high-speed broadband internet service in West Virginia remains a significant barrier to adoption.

How boot camps are helping to address the historic gap in internet access on US tribal lands

Recently participants gathered in a home movie theater on Matthew Rantanen’s ranch in Southern California to shine a beam of light through more than 55,000 feet (17 kilometers) of fiber optic cable coiled up in the corner. The demonstration took place during a hands-on broadband training for tribal nations where participants handled fiber made up of strands of glass as thin as human hair that transmit energy through pulses of light. The session was part of an initiative founded in 2021 by Rantanen and his business partner, Christopher Mitchell, to help shore up historic disparities in conne