Individuals who primarily Reside in a Rural Area

Illinois's Director of the Office of Broadband Matt Schmit is empowering local governments and communities ahead of BEAD projects

Director of the Illinois Office of Broadband, Matt Schmit, has been working for over 20 years in economic development, and began his public interest career as a grad student at University of Minnesota. There, he spent his spare time doing consulting work with local communities to take stock of their connectivity needs and make use of federal broadband funding programs.

Louisiana Will be Tech-Neutral on BEAD. Say What?

When Executive Director for ConnectLA—Louisiana's broadband office—Veneeth Iyengar was asked if he was concerned that there might be areas of Louisiana that no broadband provider would want to serve, his response was, "We’re not concerned [because] it’s all in how you design the program.

FOCUS Broadband Brings Fiber to Rural North Carolina, Grant by Grant

In the past five years, FOCUS Broadband has gone from deploying fiber connectivity to just two North Carolina counties to eight, nearly doubling its number of customers from 36,000 to 63,000.

Put Out the Red Light (Report)

Have you read Senator Cruz’s Red Light Report on broadband funding that came recently? The report accomplished several things:

GeoLinks Touts Gig+ Fixed Wireless Access Speeds: Using Broad 28 GHz Holdings Comes Next

GeoLinks has a lot going on with fixed wireless access (FWA), Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) deployments, gig+ speed offers, and spectrum bands. The company has more licenses in the 28 GHz band than any other license holder and "that will give us the opportunity to look into other states in the future,” said COO Ryan Adams. Investments from Rock Mountain Capital and JLC Infrastructure make GeoLinks' expansion plans possible and help GeoLinks build upon their signi

TDS Telecom doubles down on commitment to improve rural broadband

TDS elected to receive Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (E-ACAM) support from the Federal Communications Commission. TDS has communicated to the FCC the company will accept the FCC's offers in 24 states TDS serves. A-CAM, which is being extended and enhanced to provide additional funding for rural broadband, requires the deployment of at least 100/20 Mbps internet service to consumers who lack that service. TDS has been part of the A-CAM program since its inception in 2016. The extended program requires TDS to deploy high-speed internet to more than 270,000 locations.

Kentucky Pursues Full and Equitable Digital Access for All

The goal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Digital Equity Plan is to establish a roadmap that ensures everyone, regardless of their background or community, has access to the necessary technological resources to fully engage in our society, democracy, and economy. The Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet’s (ELC) Department of Workforce Development (DWD) has made the state's draft plan available to the public for feedback until October 15, 2023.

FCC October 2023 Open Meeting Agenda

While the proposal I made to restore net neutrality will certainly garner the most attention, the Federal Communications Commission's October agenda features many other actions to promote digital equity and support broadband-powered innovation:

North Carolina Governor Cooper Urges Congress to Continue the ACP

Having a high-speed internet connection—and the ability to use it—is critical to modern life. One major challenge persists: we can run fiber broadband to every home in North Carolina, but if the residents can’t afford the service, they still risk being left behind. Fortunately, Congress created a tremendously impactful tool to combat the high costs of internet service as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). I urge you to reauthorize this critical program that makes internet access more affordable.