Individuals who primarily Reside in a Rural Area

The FCC and USF

The Federal Communications Commission quietly won two court cases over the last month that most folks have not heard about. A group of complainants brought a suit against the FCC, saying that the agency didn’t have explicit direction from Congress for the creation of the Universal Service Fund (USF) or the authority to delegate the operation of the USF to a third party.

What Minnesota wants in the federal farm bill

A sweeping food and agriculture bill in the works in Washington (DC) is set to reshape the future of farming in Minnesota. Minnesota lawmakers are set to play a big role in shaping the final bill. Sens Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) are members of the Senate Agriculture Committee, while Reps. Angie Craig (D-MN) and Brad Finstad (R-MN) are on the House panel. In terms of broadband, an estimated 144,000 Minnesota households still don't have access to high-speed internet.

How the Farm Bill could subsidize a revolution in high-tech farming

The ongoing Farm Bill negotiations may mean linking millions of Americans to the 21st-century economy and taking a step toward the broader dream of high-tech agriculture. Since the last Farm Bill was passed in 2018, the federal government has spent billions to try to bring high-speed internet to the nearly 12 million rural households that don’t have it.

Connection found: Rural broadband bill gets its day in the Senate

A bipartisan effort to push the Federal Communications Commission to expand internet access to rural areas will finally get a Senate hearing, two years after the bill was first introduced. The Reforming Broadband Connectivity Act has support in both the House and Senate and will get its day in the Senate Commerce Committee Thursday, May 11th, 2023. The bill — introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) in the Senate and Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO) in the House — orders the FCC to determine ho

Internet costs, poor service keep southeast Ohioans offline

According to the US Census Bureau, between 2017 to 2021, about 28% of households in Ohio’s Columbiana County (more than 11,500 households) did not have an active broadband subscription. A similar problem exists across rural Appalachia in Ohio — and it is an expensive problem to fix. Regions like Southeast Ohio present a challenge to installing broadband due to the hilly and rural terrain.

Five ways companies are closing the global digital divide

Rapidly advancing technologies are further highlighting the global impact of the digital divide, which is the gap between those with reliable access to high-speed internet services and those without it. Here are five creative ways companies are trying to bridge the divide:

Rural Cellular Coverage

The cellular coverage in rural areas is drastically different than the national coverage maps that cellular carriers have been advertising for years. The Federal Communications Commission announced a process to address this issue in October 2020 when it announced the creation of a 5G Fund for Rural America. This will be a $9 billion fund that comes from the Universal Service Fund and that will provide subsidies for wireless carriers to build and equip new rural cell towers.

96 Areas for Broadband Zones Identified by Iowa Communities

Governor Kim Reynolds (R-IA) and the Department of Management’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) announced the results of the OCIO’s Invitation to Qualify (ITQ). Ninety-six Broadband Intervention Zones were identified by Iowa communities across the state from a total of 99 applications. The ITQ process asked communities to propose areas across the State of Iowa that should be prioritized in funding decisions made under the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program.

$32.5 Million in ConnectSD Broadband Grants will Connect 3,137 Households, Farms, and Businesses in South Dakota

Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development announced the latest ConnectSD broadband grants. These awards will make quality, high-speed internet available to underserved households in South Dakota. Over $32 million in grants were awarded for 13 projects from nine applicants.