
The people who work in the communications industries.

FCC Commissioner Carr Announces Initiative on Community Colleges as Pipelines for 5G Jobs

Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr visited the Tower Installation Program at Aiken Technical College, which provides the practical and classroom training that enables workers to find jobs as tower climbers. Commissioner Carr delivered remarks on ensuring the US has the skilled workforce in place to build next-gen wireless networks and win the race to 5G. In particular, he identified the need for more Telecom Tower Technicians (known as “TTT-1”s) and how the US can achieve that goal by expanding on Aiken’s model program.

A new form of American capitalism

It’s no longer debatable: The system makes the big, bigger and the rich, richer. The rest of America stagnates or suffers. Since 1980, the incomes of the top 1%tripled, the top 10% doubled, and the bottom 60% of prime-age workers were flat. This may manifest on the campaign trail as a referendum not only on reversing the tax cuts and implementing a Green New Deal, but then moving in the exact opposite direction — President Donald Trump as the last gasp of trickle-down economics. It's hard to imagine a more worthy debate at a more important time for America.


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Department of Commerce

Wed, 04/17/2019 - 18:00 to 19:00

The expansion of 5G and the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating an increasing need for secure networks across many platforms and technologies. Innovative programs for cybersecurity awareness, education, training, and workforce development are essential to protect and defend against potential cyber-attacks, but finding qualified people to work in this area is increasingly difficult. This webinar will highlight educational programs that address training for cybersecurity professionals focusing on contributions made by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Digital Economy Accounted for 6.9 Percent of GDP in 2017

The digital economy accounted for 6.9 percent of the US gross domestic product, or $1.35 trillion, in 2017, according to a new batch of statistics released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  How does that compare with traditional US industries? The digital economy ranked just below professional, scientific, and technical services, which accounted for 7.4 percent of GDP, and just above wholesale trade, with a 6.0 percent share.  New BEA data also show that:

Local news is the next battleground as Congress eyes Big Tech's power

House Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline (D-RI) and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins (R-GA) reintroduced The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act, making the case that the legislation is needed to level the playing field between tech giants and local news publishers. "It grows out of a recognition that we need to do something to give local media, local news publishers the ability to survive," Chairman Cicilline said. He argues that as ad revenue shifts from news publishers to Facebook and Google, it's time for Congress to intervene.

Facebook says its local newsgathering service hindered by lack of local news outlets

Facebook’s effort to establish a service that provides its users with local news and information is being hindered by a lack of outlets where the company’s technicians can find original reporting. The service, called "Today In" and launched in 2018, is available in some 400 cities in the United States. But the social media giant said it has found that 40% of Americans live in places where there weren’t enough local news stories to support it.

News Blues

I have a bad case of news blues. Journalism is fast becoming a vast wasteland. Newsrooms across the land are hollowed out, or in many cases shuttered.

Chairman Pai Remarks at Women in Cable Telecommunications Conference

Allow me to make a few brief points about why Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) is an important organization whose longevity should be celebrated. First, WICT opens doors. Second, WICT develops talent. Third, WICT creates role models. WICT demands our attention and deserves our respect. For four decades, you have empowered women in the cable industry and the sector is better for it. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary. Here’s to many more.

The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America

A look at Facebook's content moderators at the company's Phoenix (AZ) site, which is operated by an outsourcing company named Cognizant. Some findings: 

FCC Eliminates Equal Employment Opportunity Broadcaster Mid-Term Filing Requirement

The Federal Communications Commission voted to eliminate the Broadcast Mid-Term Report (Form 397) filing requirement, concluding that this paperwork has become redundant and unnecessary. The FCC has used Form 397 in its mid-term reviews of broadcasters’ equal employment opportunity practices.